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Registered: 05/26/04
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I use my site for EVERYTHING. If I could get it to do my laundry, I'd be installing the plugin now. One thing I've been wondering about is whether there's an easy way to put a page on my site to aggregate my various RSS feeds. I've seen a couple of web/PHP-based aggregators out there, but would rather not have a separate infrastructure if I can avoid it.

Any suggestions?

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Nice idea, it is a left over of my Christmass whish list.
Up to now I only have 1 rss feed in a block. One could make 10 feed blocks but to have it in a center block static page would be nicer.

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Registered: 05/26/04
Posts: 59
I've been toying with building a wrapper around the Feed on Feeds aggregator, but it's slow going because I don't have much time to devote to it. I'll let you all know if I ever get it together.

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