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Forum User
Registered: 10/02/05
Posts: 34
I do not want anyone including logged in/anonymouse users but moderator to write. It seems working but for some reason, there's no way for me to disable "Post Reply" for the logged in users. For anonymouse users, the link displays but encouraging them to sign up or login to allow the action. Is this meant to be working this way? Is there a way to disable "post reply" for logged in/anonymous users?

I did the following:
Forum settings: Do you need to be registered to create posts? YES
Forums: I cliked on the Edit button for the specific forum.
Then I did the following:
1) selected "All Users" as Group Access - because I still want everyone including "Anonymous Users" to view the forum
2) checked "Only the Moderator can post to this forum" - because I only want Moderator to write. By selecting this option, "New Topic" link was disabled for all users except Moderators. However, "Post Reply" still appear.