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Admin Account Disabled

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So, my admin account has been disabled, and I have absolutely no idea how to log in...any ideas? I had tried to log in like five times and then it just said my account was disabled.
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The default timeout is 5 minutes:
Text Formatted Code
// Login Speedlimit.
$_CONF['login_attempts']   = 3;   // number of login attempts allowed before speedlimit kicks in
$_CONF['login_speedlimit'] = 300; // wait (in seconds) after $_CONF['login_attempts'] failed logins

bye, Dirk

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Location:Fredericksburg, VA
Still not working. This is the error message I receive:

Your account has been disabled, you may not login. Please contact an Administrator.

However, I am the administrator, and that's what I'm trying to log in with. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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That's odd. Geeklog will not ban users automatically, no matter how often you mistype your password.

What did you do before that problem occured?

You can edit the user status in the database. In table gl_users, find the entry for your account and the field 'status'. A status of 0 means the account is disabled/banned. For an active account, the status should be 3.

bye, Dirk

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Location:Fredericksburg, VA
Got it Dirk, thank you!
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This happened to me too, with GL 1.4.0

It was a new install, so I was able to drop the tables and reinstall. However, after adding a second account and giving the second account Root access, the second account was disabled.

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This is also happening to my GL after installing 1.4.0 - whenever I try to login with the Admin account - it appears that I have not actually logged in... because after clicking on the the button to submit my UserName and password I am returned to the login screen - but there are no errors warning me of an unsuccessful login - but neither is there a success message - I am simply back at the login screen again.

However, if I click on any of the links in the Topics - I am now logged in without submitting my UserName/password again.

But now in the Who's Online block - there are two users (me and a guest) - I know that both of these are me - because the site isn't live and no one knows how to get to the site.

Now after a few times of trying to login - I receive the error - Account Disabled please contact the administrator. I am the administrator.

I have dropped tables and tried again... the same thing keeps occurring.

After a few attempts - account has been disabled. Very strange. I am trying to set this up for several clients - 4 separate instances of GL. However, right now they aren't impressed with GL at all.

I have other geeklog sites running that were simply upgrades from a previous version to 1.4.0 that are fine. But this seems to only be happening on a complete fresh install of 1.4.0sr1

What could be causing this?

(Note: I found the problem! In the config set the loginrequired to 1. I can't remember having to set this before in any previous versions of GL? I have installed about 6-7 GL's - this is the first that I can remember having to set that? Is this something that has changed in 1.4.0sr1 or did I miss it before in the previous installations?)


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Normally there is no need to set loginrequired to 1. I also run 4 GL sites even with 1 installation only but several domains.

Usually as you describe it the "I am simply back at the login screen again" seems to be a cookie problem. Maybe you check your cookiedomain, browser settings, firewall etc. Are you using the "4 separate instances of GL" on one domain? I can only give some hints.

Two users "me and a guest" are normal when you e.g. check the site with 2 different browsers or no cookie has been accepted or there is a confusion with subdomains.

However, right now they aren't impressed with GL at all.

Well, mostly clients are impressed with design. Mine also like the fact, that they can maintain the pages themselves.

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Thank you for your reply. The setting the loginrequired=1 seems to have fixed the problem and it is performing exactly as the client wanted now.

I just don't remember ever having to set that before?

The client was having problems with their current CMS solution (specifically with login problems) - I sold them on the GL because I had never had any problems before with a login.

I made the mistake of giving them the URL before actually noticing the problem - they weren't impressed with the functionality of GL simply because of the login problem. (I won't make that same mistake twice).

However, after changing the loginrequired=1 - I think it's even performing better than I had expected. They are coming around slowly, I'll just have to keep working on them. :-)

Thanks for your help!

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Well, it would be nice to find out what really happens, what is wrong.

loginrequired existed before but you don`t have to set it to 1. So I asume there are other hidden problems and as other people are facing similar problems it would be good to solve it.

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I'm actually sure that $_CONF['loginrequired'] (which has been in Geeklog for a while) has nothing at all to do with this - it's an option for some completely unrelated feature.

I'd suggest you work your way through the FAQ (while the client isn't looking ...) and set $_CONF['login_attempts'] to some higher number while you do that.


bye, Dirk

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It seems to be a cookie problem? I logged in as Admin... then closed my browser without logging out.

Came back to the site... attempted to login... brought back to the login again... who's online shows me online and as a guest. Clicked on any link in the Topics... I am in ... guest disappears and I am the only one in Who's online.

This time I actually use the "Log out" link instead of closing the browser. After successful logout... I close browser... open browser, return to site.

Login as Admin... all is well. No double login.

Shouldn't when I close the browser the session/cookie be deleted? or if it remains active when I return to the site... shouldn't I already be logged in and not have to see the login screen?


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>>Shouldn't when I close the browser the session/cookie be deleted?<<
No. Try it here on Geeklog.net !

>> or if it remains active when I return to the site... shouldn't I already be logged in and not have to see the login screen?<<
Yes. ---> check cookies!!! Especially if you changed the (test-)domain or if you are using subdomains.

I gave you some more hints already: cookiedomain (in config.php), browser settings, firewall etc.

Are you using the "4 separate instances of GL" on one domain, a subdomain?

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They are all on different domains.

I have set the cookiedomain, I have changed the cookie_timeouts, I have tried everything.

Still have the same problem - I am using the firefox browser. I have another site setup on another domain (v. 1.4.0), that I haven't upgraded to 1.4.0sr1 yet.

No problems with it at all. I didn't have set anything. Went with the default setup. I can login once... close browser, come back... I don't have to login, I am already logged in. Logout, come back... I login. Everything is fine.

Could it have something to do with a theme that I am using? (grasping at straws here now.)


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I have these 6 GL cookies:
password, theme, geeklog, gl_session, language, last visit.

After closing all browser windows only gl_session is gone.

Usually the default for the cookies is good enough even without setting cookiedomain.

As for trouble shooting you should always use an unchanged 'professional' theme.

It is normal that you don`t have to log in again if your "acount information" settings are in the field: "Remember Me For - How long should we remember you after logging in?" 1h to 1 month.

It is not normal that you can log on twice after closing the browser. Also here for trouble shooting I`d delete all GL cookies and also try with IE6.

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OK, here's one last thought ... could it be that because the site isn't live yet - and we will be switching the nameservers after the site has been approved - it is now sitting at

Could it be that it is not at an actual domain perse and we are pointing at an ip address?


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To have a non life test domain is NOT a problem but you are yousing an IP address. I don`t know about that but I`d say it is likely to be the problem.

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I think so too - because the other sites have domain names and we are pointing to the domain in the config not an IP... they seem to be working fine. It's just this one last one that is on an IP and we are having the problem with.

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A bit on the side her, but still think this is wort some consideration.
Ive seen sometimes the last weeks here on geeklog.net that it says wlkcome casper on the center (with the time/date) but Im not listed in the whos online block. Checked that Im NOT listed as "Show as anonymous" in my preferences.
I remain constantly logged in, the coocie remember me as also set in prefs...

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@Casper: I`d recommend opening a new thread with a detailed error description.
All the 3 errors above by i2eeD, julianna, donm1021 don`t seem to have anything to do with each other. They seem to be 3 and now with casper 4 completely different cases.

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