Well, samstone, a menu link is not a multilingual
content issue, is it? That's your standard multilingual structure that Geeklog already supports and therefore isn't related to this topic.
However, I'd help you nonetheless. See, just because Geeklog supports it doesn't mean...your plugin does!
So first of all, your plugin must have a multilingual structure itself. But
unlike Geeklog, you have to know that such a plugin usually only comes with english.php (and perhaps a few other chosen languages), which means that if your language is, say, Hebrew, you must either download it from geeklog.net or from the author's page OR translate it yourself!
Guess which option is the common one...
Secondly, just because a plugin has multilingual structure...doesn't mean it implements it on its menu titles! Some plugins hardcore the titles (usually in English, if the author at least has a minimal common sense).
Last and not least...since you've mentioned the word "Gallery", I can just cut short this discussion and recommend
Media Gallery, which not only is awesome in general, but happens to be using a multilingual structure
and implementing it on its menu title (the latter is thanks to yours truly's personal request).
- A little sidenote: the Staticpages' plugin is an exception as its menu titles are really content and not structure. And it really is a problem when you want multilingual titles. The easiest solution is to choose not to display the title and instead display via HTML tags in the content itself (of course the title header would still be in one language only).
This, of course, raises the general question of multilingual content's support in staticpages.
What I do is I activate PHP scripting and then use something like:
Text Formatted Code
if (substr(language(), 0, 2)) = "he") {
$display = 'Something in Hebrew';
} else {
$display = 'Something in English';
// Now I manipulate $display to look however I want.
// And when I'm finally done
echo $display;
(it calls my language() function from system/lib-custom.php) to determine the language and display the matching text (including a title). And I use many parameters, of course (e.g. $title), but in the end I insert them all to $display.