
Hey all,

We've just upgraded a newswire to geeklog, and we wanted to cut down the number of topics from 20-odd to 5. Is there any way I can move all the articles from several topics into one new one? Because I can't seem to find a way do it (save from going through each story doing it manually)

Any information appreciated, thanks!

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
You'll have to dive into the database for this, but it's pretty easy nonetheless.

Say you want to move all stories from the topic with the topic id (not to be confused with the topic name) "music" to the topic id "food", then you'd do:
Text Formatted Code
UPDATE gl_stories WHERE tid = 'music' SET tid = 'food';

bye, Dirk


that worked a treat Dirk, thanks very much! This software is excellent