Saeid R

dear admin

there is not a easy auto web installer for GeekLog why?

best regards


Geeklog is not remote control, baby! It's a Jumbo Jet!
No such thing as autopilot for takeoffs!

Yankidank forgot his pass!

Cpanel has an autoinstaller most of the time. Find a host that provides Cpanel and ask them if they have an autoinstaller script for Geeklog.
I think it's better to do a manual install, it's a good way to get to know your software. In the long run you learn something about geeklog and become more interested in it. My first install of Geeklog was automatic, but I've done 4 or 5 installs since manually and have learned a lot in the process, especially about templates. Be sure to bookmark the geeklog forums just in case.

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Registered: 08/05/03
Posts: 969
Installing is really easy, but a bit scary the first time.
1) Read the docs
2) Read the docs again
3) Download Geeklog
4) Make a database and remember the name, username and password
5) Find out the pathes and adjust config.php and lib-common.php
6) Transfer the files to the webserver and CHMOD some files/directories
7) Go to
Congratulate yourself with your first Geeklog installation!
9) Remove the /admin/install directory!
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