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What is the difference between easyfile and file management plugin?

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Can someone please tell me what the difference(s) is/are between easyfile and filemanagement plugin? I was having problem with the file management plugin because of my path, and was wondering if easyfile might be a simpler solution to uploading and downloading files on my site.



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The file management plugin was there first.
It´s basicly part of the core geeklog (allthough it is still a plugin), and has been there a long time and has no more bugs.

It is sturdy and does the job.

One of the major drawbacks with the filemanagement plugin is that the files are not stored outside the public_html directory, thus increasing the risk of people picking up the files directly.

Easy file major advantage is that it allows to have the files outside the public_html directory.

Both are stable versions, allthough easyfile is still more open to bugs since it is relatively young.

If you are having problems with the filemanagement plugin, you should expect problems with the other too. Easyfile, is not making the install much more easy (or difficult).

I suggest you install both, and decide which one you like best.
The installation shouldn´t be the one making you decide.

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