A real idiot is posting (porn) to my site now every day. It is causing havoc as it is now beginning to eat up my bandwidth which is now beginning to cost me time, effort, money and frustration. How can I either disable the comment( I already did this=$_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] = 1 but it did not work.... in my config.php section. OR how can I stop this person from posting? Do I have to change the permissions of the config. They are at 644 now. I can't figure why the $_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] = 1; in my config.php won't work unless it is not writable but it does not say that.. it just does not work.
Also... I have been keeping a daily journal of the postings including the IP numbers(There are at this writing 12 IP numbers).
Please help. My site is not a money maker so I need help to stop this situation before I completely lose my site.
I noticed this idiot has posted on geeklog and tonybibbs.com as well. His postings are porn..
My site is:
Bloom Where You're Planted I would certainly appreciate some help with this serious situation.
Send Me To The Royal Wedding-http://www.royaltys.com - to enter my site.