Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, February 14 2025 @ 04:28 am EST

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Login page before main display


Greetings to all,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but it seems like I need a hack to do what I want here since I don't see a plugin for it. I would like a login page that forces people to log in before they get to the main display.

Please let me know if and how this can be done.


Tom Giving it a try

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What you should do is make all the objects on your site that anonymous users should not be able to see invisible to them by unchecking the "Anonymous R" checkbox for all the topics, stories, blocks, etc.

bye, Dirk


On top of making everything anonymous by unchecking the "Anonymous R," willthis patch by squatty still function with Geeklog 1.4.0sr5-1?

I'd like my anonymous members to become members first.

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You can do this as a partial hack. It prevents anyone from seeing your website unless they login (or hit the registration link). If more of the functions in users.php were in system/lib-user.php, you could make this look better but then this wouldn't be a hack.

Create a file called /path_to_geeklog/plugins/require_reg/function.inc and put the following function into it::
Text Formatted Code
function plugin_centerblock_require_reg($where, $page, $topic)
    global $_USER;
    $ret = '';
    if (where == 0 and (!isset($_USER) || !isset($_USER['uid']) || $_USER['uid'] == 1))
        $ret .= COM_UserMenu();
    return $ret;
Then perform the following SQL:
INSERT INTO $_TABLES['plugins'] (pi_name, pi_version, pi_gl_version, pi_enabled) VALUES ('require_reg', '0.1', '1.4', 1)

Anything you add around the COM_UserMenu() call will also appear on this screen. It's not perfect, but it may be useful.

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After a little more research, if you don't mind people seeing some of your layout, you can replace the above functions.inc file entirely by just putting this in the file:
Text Formatted Code

if (!isset($_USER) || !isset($_USER['uid']) || $_USER['uid'] == 1)<br />{<br />    $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);<br />    if (basename($split[0]) != 'users.php')<br />    {<br />        echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php');<br />        exit;<br />    }<br />}<br />?><br />


how do I perform the SQL exactly? I have phpMyAdmin, but I'm not seing $_TABLES there

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Actually, I now have a third way to do this and it just uses a phpblock. Go into lib-custom.php and add this function to the end:
Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_no_anonymous_access()<br />{<br />    global $_USER;<br />    <br />    if (!isset($_USER) || !isset($_USER['uid']) || $_USER['uid'] == 1)<br />    {<br />        $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);<br />        if (basename($split[0]) != 'users.php')<br />        {<br />            echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php');<br />            exit;<br />        }<br />    }<br />    return '';<br />}<br />
Then login as admin and create a new block as follows:

Title: No Anonymous Access
Enabled: checked
Block Name: no_anonymous_access
Topic: All
Side: Left
Block Order: 1
Type: PHP Block

PHP Block Options
Block Function: phpblock_no_anonymous_access

In the access rights section, remove the checkmark from Group Read and Members Read. (This isn't necessary, it just skips the block for users who are already logged in.)

If you don't want anonymous users to see any of your content, you should move any custom content out of the left side block. If you don't care, don't worry about it. With this block active the only pages an anonymous user can see are the users.php pages that handle login and registration.

The benefit to blocking access this way (rather than removing read from anonymous all throughout the system) is that if at some later date you want to open the system, all you have to do is disable this block.



Using your php_block method, whenever I apply the code to lib common the page fails when I log out.

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What fails? It works on my test system with Apache on Windows. And I just installed in on my production system without a problem.

The only real problem I've encountered is the LOGIN speedlimit and I don't know if that's just because to test this you have to logout, login, logout and login again. Since I'm not planning to run it, I'm not sure if this is a real problem.

Are you sure you didn't mistakenly add any spaces or line breaks after the "?>" at the end of the file?

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Did you have any luck, bigjames? The only other problem you might have is $SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is not defined correctly in your webserver. echo that variable inside the function (in place of the "exit") to see if this is the case. I plan to switch to the COM_getCurrentURL() function when I next get a chance to fool around with this. (And then I'll post this to the Blocks forum.)

If any of the core programmers sees this: While testing this, I've had to alter my login speed limits since GL doesn't clear them on successful login. Shouldn't there be something like:

DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['speedlimit']} WHERE type = 'login' and ipaddress = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'");

whenever users.php logs you in successfully (Somewhere inside this IF: ) ?

if ($status == USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE) { // logged in AOK.

I often have to switch between an admin and a normal user account when testing stuff and this line of code would make it so I don't have to change the config.php and turn off login speedlimits when I'm testing something out. Stuff like blocks and static page seem to most often require a lot of account switching.

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