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Registered: 07/08/05
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I'm trying to get a geeklog to run on a server in a /(blabla)/subdomains/(somesubdomain)/httpdocs structure, but I can't get the non-public part of geeklog in the /(blabla)/subdomains/(somesubdomain)/ part, so I tried the option of creating a password protect dir, and the admin panel of the site only lets me make password protected dirs in the /(blabla)/httpdocs part.
So I made one and threw the nonpublic stuff in it, made the $_CONF['path'] and $_CONF['path_html'] and that line in lib-common.php point to the right directories and............

Darn...I'm getting an empty page!

I spellchecked the config.php and lib-common.php
Ooh and did I say it was an already working geeklog?
This throwing around of files already worked on another site....but that was a very different structure..

Should I learn to password protect dirs by hand and choose another dir?
Where are the places I can place those dirs?

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Registered: 07/08/05
Posts: 9
I seem to be out of luck:
my hosting provider permits no uploads at all outside the public dirs....
Should I give up on installing geeklog on this server?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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It sounded like you saw Installing Geeklog entirely within the web root already. So what exactly prevents you from doing it that way?

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 07/08/05
Posts: 9 that password protecting stuff solved, but still can't get it to run from another dir..

I had the situation:
$_CONF['path'] = ''/blabla/httpdocs/not_public/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = '/blabla/subdomains/geeklog/httpdocs/';

Which I couldn't get to work even after 10 times proofreading the 2 config files.
So I tried blaming it on the dir structure and now I tried
$_CONF['path'] = ''/blabla/subdomains/geeklog/httpdocs/not_public/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = '/blabla/subdomains/geeklog/httpdocs/';

I indeed pw protected the not_public dir...again proofreaded carefully....
The manual says "top directory" but I can't really put it any higher without getting esthetically unpleasing results or plain FTP errors.

Maybe I should add that I'm Dutch and therefore don't have the full english vocabulairy.
What could I be overlooking and could this dir structure work or is there something about the code that expects the dirs higher in the dir chain than the public part?