Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, September 17 2024 @ 03:26 pm EDT
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1016: Can't open file: 'gl_sessions.MYI'.
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Registered: 12/03/03
Posts: 41
This is the error I'm getting. Is the solution to this error to do the following in the database?
DELETE FROM gl_sessions WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1 ?
07/05/05 19:14:54 - 1016: Can't open file: 'gl_sessions.MYI'. (errno: 145). SQL in question: DELETE FROM gl_sessions WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1
Red Ant Digital Creativity
DELETE FROM gl_sessions WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1 ?
07/05/05 19:14:54 - 1016: Can't open file: 'gl_sessions.MYI'. (errno: 145). SQL in question: DELETE FROM gl_sessions WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1
Red Ant Digital Creativity
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 12/03/03
Posts: 41
This installation has been running fine for a year now... it just came up with this error message. I ts a server where i dont have direct access to the database stuff so I'm just looking for some info to guide the server people in order to fix it.
try emptying the table.
Yes. I have had this problem. I solved it (if I remember correctly) by flushing the session table.
Make a nice backup and then try it. I think you'll be fine.
********** LEGAL GOBBLDYGOOK ***********
This advice is given AS IS with no warranty or anything of the sort. In fact, I don't really even know what I am talking about very much. I just did this to solve MY problem. It worked for me quite nicely. For others, milage may vary-- probably WILL vary at least a little. So you do this stuff at your own risk. Make backups and you should be just fine whatever happens. The WHOLE ENCHILADA is on you! If you flush the session table or do anything as a result of reading this post, anything at all, including but not limited to vomiting, drinking yourself into a stupor, watching a very bad movie, kicking your dog or any other sort of behavior contradicting any prima facie human principle, related or unrelated to Geeklog, PHP, MYSQL, ME(RG, or anything else that can possibly be conceived by anyone, then you assume complete and total responsibility for ANY negative result. I will accept praises, honors, thanks, cash, highly valued stocks, bonds and real estate from any and all parties who wish to bestow them upon me as a result of my generosity here.
Make a nice backup and then try it. I think you'll be fine.
********** LEGAL GOBBLDYGOOK ***********
This advice is given AS IS with no warranty or anything of the sort. In fact, I don't really even know what I am talking about very much. I just did this to solve MY problem. It worked for me quite nicely. For others, milage may vary-- probably WILL vary at least a little. So you do this stuff at your own risk. Make backups and you should be just fine whatever happens. The WHOLE ENCHILADA is on you! If you flush the session table or do anything as a result of reading this post, anything at all, including but not limited to vomiting, drinking yourself into a stupor, watching a very bad movie, kicking your dog or any other sort of behavior contradicting any prima facie human principle, related or unrelated to Geeklog, PHP, MYSQL, ME(RG, or anything else that can possibly be conceived by anyone, then you assume complete and total responsibility for ANY negative result. I will accept praises, honors, thanks, cash, highly valued stocks, bonds and real estate from any and all parties who wish to bestow them upon me as a result of my generosity here.
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