well, i spent all afternoon trying to figure out why this happens.
I can fix it very easily.
What confused me more is why this issue doesn't seem to affect geeklog.net, but it does all of my sites, which run 1.3.10 and 1.3.11.
in users.php (i'm using version 1.93), about line 192, immediatly after the if/else statement:
Text Formatted Code
done... works for me.
Text Formatted Code
// list of last 10 stories by this user
if (sizeof ($tids) > 0) {
$sql = "SELECT sid,title,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (uid = $user) AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (tid IN ($topics))" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND');
$sql .= " ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT 10";
$result = DB_query($sql);
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
} else {
$nrows = 0;
if ($nrows > 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
$C = DB_fetchArray($result);
$user_templates->set_var('row_number', $i . '.');
$articleUrl = COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url']
. '/article.php?story=' . $C['sid']);
$user_templates->set_var ('article_url', $articleUrl);
$user_templates->set_var ('story_begin_href',
'<a href="' . $articleUrl . '">');
$C['title'] = str_replace ('$', '$', $C['title']);
$user_templates->set_var('story_title', stripslashes($C['title']));
$user_templates->set_var('story_end_href', '</a>');
$storytime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat($C['unixdate']);
$user_templates->set_var('story_date', $storytime[0]);
} else {
$user_templates->set_var('story_row','<tr><td>' . $LANG01[37] . '</td></tr>');