Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 09:51 pm EST

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About the first page


Hello there!

I´ve a page created with Geeklog (http://www.consorciosonline.org/montevideo764/), and I´ve changed the first post that appears at the very beggining, in the language file:
Text Formatted Code

# index.php

$LANG05 = array(
    1 => 'Title: Hello there',
    2 => 'please login... bláh.... bláh....


It is working fine, but I want that first page only to appear when the user didn´t log in.
When he does enter the system, I want that to dissapear, and instead of it to show the last posts...

Is that possible? Your help is very much appreciated guys!!!
(sorry for my poor english... Very Happy )

Rosamunda Can someone help me

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
That's what Geeklog's permission system is for: Set the permissions for your topics and stories such that anonymous users can't see them. In other words: Remove the check mark where it says "Anonymous R" on all the stories and topics.

bye, Dirk


Thanks Dirk for your (very) quick reply!
The thing is that this first post have the ... explanation about the registering system, so I do want anonymous users to see it.
But I cannot manage to avoid registered users to see it when they log in to the system.
It is not exactly a post, it is something inside the language file... if I delete it, nobody saws it, and if I write it, it is at the top of every single page!

How can I avoid that to happen?

Again, many, many thanks!!!!!!!



I´ve figured out! (And all by myself!)
Big Celebration

Well, that happened because I didn´t have any post yet inside my blog...
Doh! - that was a mistake

Thanks anyway! Its a deal - shaking hands

Rosamunda Very Happy Very Happy

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