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COM_refresh not redirecting


I'm using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020 Firefox/0.10.1

When I load TinyMCE wysiwyg editor in the header.thml (and then activate it in a template), COM_refresh stops redirecting (it is called by line 1203 in admin/story.php). The code simply hits the COM_refresh function, then returns to story.php, ending at the "exit;" located at line 1205.

What does COM_refresh do, other than redirect? And why do you think it stops when I load the editor (it redirects fine once I disable the editor)?

Help appreciated. I'm tearing my hair out.


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Quote by Turner: I'm using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020 Firefox/0.10.1

Why? That version is old. Which, in internet terms, translates to "dangerous". Upgrade to 1.0.2 already.

This will also solve your problem which, IIRC, was a bug in earlier versions of Firefox (I'm on 1.0.2 and don't have it, FWIW).

bye, Dirk


Well thanks. I will upgrade. I am on Fedora Core 3 and have never really upgraded anything on Linux before. Scared to do it, being a former Windows user. But if it will solve the problem, I'll suffer through it.

Thanks again!

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To get TinyMCE to refresh with Firefox (Gentoo Linux FireFox 1.0.2-r1, compiled from source) I had to change my COM_refresh to:
Text Formatted Code

function COM_refresh( $url )
return "<html><head><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">redirTime = "100"; redirURL = "$url";
function redirTimer()
{ self.setTimeout ("self.location.href = redirURL;",redirTime); }
</script></head><body onLoad="redirTimer()"></body></html>";


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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Where do I find that function, is it the one in lib-common.php around line 2592 (in GL1.3.11) ?
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Quote by beewee: Where do I find that function, is it the one in lib-common.php around line 2592 (in GL1.3.11) ?

In theory all functions that begin with COM_ are indeed in lib-common.php
Yes I am mental.

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I had this same problem with several versions of Mozilla and Firefox. What triggered it was the usage of a graphical editor (verified at the time with fckeditor and htmlarea). It didn't even matter if the editor was on the Geeklog site or on some other unrelated site. Confused I changed the COM_refresh function to this:
Text Formatted Code

function COM_refresh( $url )
    header ("Location: " . str_replace ( '&amp;', '&', $url) );
    return "<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=$url"></head></html>n";


Were you able to get stories to save? When I engage Tinymce and then try to save a story, it blanks out the introtext field, causing an error. But when I remove the mce stuff from the editor form, everything is fine.

I think this link actually describes my problem and how to fix it, but I can't understand how to relate it to Geeklog.

Can anyone help here. I have everything working except I just can't save the story! AH!!!! Banging your head

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I had the same problem on my site but after using "Kelvin" code it was working perfect and I was using Firefox 1.0.6 – just need to add .. ... before quotations on the second line,
like this :
Text Formatted Code
  function COM_refresh( $url )
    header ("Location: " . str_replace ( '&', '&', $url) );
    return "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=$url\"></head></html>n";


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