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topic name link without topic icon
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Registered: 04/03/05
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Location:Anguilla, Caribbean
Very impressed with Geeklog. Thanks for all the effort.
Problem: I want the topic name links in each story, but not the topic icon images.
In Firefox, if I want to have a topic link on each story, I just remove the configured image for each topic. but in Internet Explorer 6, this makes a broken image link.
My beta test site is at http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla (I want to use geeklog for this existing blog: http://news.ai/daily.php3).
here is the template code that i put into story.thtml:
and here is the html code that is generated from story.thml
<b><a href="http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla//index.php?topic=art"><img align="right" src="http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla//images/icons/" alt="Art" title="Art" border="0"></a></b>
Notice that there is an img tag to the img directory, even though there is not an img file name. This is because the topic config screen has "/images/icons/" in the image field.
So, I would have to create a topic icon image for every topic if I want topic links on stories.
I studied lib-story.php and then tried using the (story_topic_name) and and (story_topic_url) variables in the story.thmtl, but they were not processed (I just got a link with "(story_topic_name)" as the link.
Here is the code that I tried in story.thmlt:
<a href="(story_topic_url)">(story_topic_name)</a>
I don't notice any differences between story_topic_name and story_anchortag_and_image in lib-story.php, but I am
obviously missing something. Here is part of the original code from lib-story-php :
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_name', $topicname );
if( $_USER['noicons'] != 1 AND $A['show_topic_icon'] == 1 )
$topicurl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?topic=' . $A['tid'];
if( !empty( $A['imageurl'] ))
if( isset( $_THEME_URL ))
$imagebase = $_THEME_URL;
$imagebase = $_CONF['site_url'];
$topicimage = '<img align="' . $_CONF['article_image_align']
. '" src="' . $imagebase . $A['imageurl'] . '" alt="'
. $topicname . '" title="' . $topicname . '" border="0">';
$article->set_var( 'story_anchortag_and_image', '<a href="'
. $topicurl . '">' . $topicimage . '</a>' );
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_image', $topicimage );
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_url', $topicurl );
how do I figure out which of these $article variables are exported to the template and which are not?
See also this forum post about removing the topic icon. It does not comflict with my experience
Thanks for any suggestions.
p.s. sorry for the lack of indenation, but I used text mode so I could put in the html code as a literal
Problem: I want the topic name links in each story, but not the topic icon images.
In Firefox, if I want to have a topic link on each story, I just remove the configured image for each topic. but in Internet Explorer 6, this makes a broken image link.
My beta test site is at http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla (I want to use geeklog for this existing blog: http://news.ai/daily.php3).
here is the template code that i put into story.thtml:
and here is the html code that is generated from story.thml
<b><a href="http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla//index.php?topic=art"><img align="right" src="http://azuvilla.com/sites/anguilla//images/icons/" alt="Art" title="Art" border="0"></a></b>
Notice that there is an img tag to the img directory, even though there is not an img file name. This is because the topic config screen has "/images/icons/" in the image field.
So, I would have to create a topic icon image for every topic if I want topic links on stories.
I studied lib-story.php and then tried using the (story_topic_name) and and (story_topic_url) variables in the story.thmtl, but they were not processed (I just got a link with "(story_topic_name)" as the link.
Here is the code that I tried in story.thmlt:
<a href="(story_topic_url)">(story_topic_name)</a>
I don't notice any differences between story_topic_name and story_anchortag_and_image in lib-story.php, but I am
obviously missing something. Here is part of the original code from lib-story-php :
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_name', $topicname );
if( $_USER['noicons'] != 1 AND $A['show_topic_icon'] == 1 )
$topicurl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?topic=' . $A['tid'];
if( !empty( $A['imageurl'] ))
if( isset( $_THEME_URL ))
$imagebase = $_THEME_URL;
$imagebase = $_CONF['site_url'];
$topicimage = '<img align="' . $_CONF['article_image_align']
. '" src="' . $imagebase . $A['imageurl'] . '" alt="'
. $topicname . '" title="' . $topicname . '" border="0">';
$article->set_var( 'story_anchortag_and_image', '<a href="'
. $topicurl . '">' . $topicimage . '</a>' );
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_image', $topicimage );
$article->set_var( 'story_topic_url', $topicurl );
how do I figure out which of these $article variables are exported to the template and which are not?
See also this forum post about removing the topic icon. It does not comflict with my experience
Thanks for any suggestions.
p.s. sorry for the lack of indenation, but I used text mode so I could put in the html code as a literal
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Registered: 04/03/05
Posts: 2
Location:Anguilla, Caribbean
andy mahoney gave me the answer. thanks.
i needed curly braces instead of parentheses. perhaps this is a case where a little documentation would have helped after all, since my eyes obviously could not see the difference
this gives a link in the story to the current topic, without icon image files (and it works on IE and Firefox).
and this makes me think that any $article varialbes that are set in the php
files can probably be used in the template.
i needed curly braces instead of parentheses. perhaps this is a case where a little documentation would have helped after all, since my eyes obviously could not see the difference
this gives a link in the story to the current topic, without icon image files (and it works on IE and Firefox).
and this makes me think that any $article varialbes that are set in the php
files can probably be used in the template.
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