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gekklog cuts iframe page layout
Well, i see it's not easy to create hi-looking pages with geeklog. There is annoying HTML filter, and there is WYSWYG HTML editor, which i do not use, too poor. But i am not here to give critics about GL. Geeklog as CMS is great, definitly the best of open source CMS.
Anyway - i want to create some good looking pages with our site in a short time, so i use iframe with staticpages. I set up 100% for height and weight, scrooling is disabled, frameborder also. But what happens?
Geeklog cuts the part of page, it shows only the lenght of layout.
How would i set that the site page would be shown entirely, so the left and right block columns would extend to the bottom of iframe inserted?
I give you example here, you can scroll down, if you select the text with mouse cursor from the midlle and go to the bottom. Can you see, what am i talking about?
Guys, i really need a tip, a helpful advice, a brilliant solutions. Any genious arround?
But sorry, I do not really understand why you want to use an Iframe. Do you know you can edit in config.php which html tags are filtered/allowed?
If you place a simple HTML table with a tag for the height the page will resize accordlingly:
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I'll have to agree with you here, unless what's in the iframe is on some other server. I had to do that with pages that were on a secure server where my pages were not.
I'v been browsing the web, but i cant fix that out, some pharse error shows. Anyway...
Do you know how to do that, how to force the system to regenerate (copy) the source code from some other page to static page with only some PHP lines? And, sure, I want that the site will display correctly (with images, what about paths, will they work well?).
Thank you all, specially knuff.
I'v been browsing the web, but i cant fix that out, some pharse error shows. Anyway...
Do you know how to do that, how to force the system to regenerate (copy) the source code from some other page to static page with only some PHP lines? And, sure, I want that the site will display correctly (with images, what about paths, will they work well?).
Thank you all, specially knuff.
Anyway, what you could do to include your old static HTML pages in dynamic GL static php pages, is create an alternative version of this body wrapper script.
// BodyInclude 1.1
// script by Jeff Hanlon, 2003-2004. Email any comments to jeff@hanlon.ca
// BodyInclude is a simple script that functions as an 'include' of an html file
// with one important difference!
// We want to include only the html from the body of the file, and not the headers, metatags or the body tags themselves.
// This was originally designed to allow site owners and content producers
// to use Mozilla Composer as an html editor to upload content to the server
// while maintaining style control in my own hands.
// Its nothing special, but here is how it works
// open the file for reading
$fp = fopen('contentfile.html','r');
// capture its contents in $content for processing
$content = fread($fp,filesize('contentfile.html'));
// relying on the fact that there will be only one <body> tag in the document
// we divide the file in half by <body>
$array = explode('<body>',$content);
// redefine $content to capture only the content from the 'body' tag to the end of the file
$content = $array[1];
// note, $content will still include the '&60;/body>' and '</html>' tags, which we do no want to include
// so, we divide $content again, this time by </body>
$array2 = explode('</body>',$content);
// we now redefine $content again to capture only the remaining content before </body>
$content = $array2[0];
// For those who want to produce standards compliant xHTML, there are changes to be made to Composer HTML.
// Composer renders the break tag as "<br>", but XML requires all tags, not just container tags, to be closed properly.
// So we now use Php to replace all instances of <br> with
$bodyinclude = str_replace("<br>", "", $content);
// The following print function effectively acts as an include
// now we simply close the html file to finish the job
It will basicly grab your html page and strip out the head and metatags.
Please note that this script is just a start and will not work with GL as is, but yes you could achieve it.
Best Regards,
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
Again it won´t work with GL, but maybe this one could inspire you to make a plugin, that will dynamicly include all your html files located in a certain spot and be included in GL look and feel.
Ideal if you would want to link to an older version of a static HTML site.
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
Geeklog cuts the part of page, it shows only the lenght of layout.
Or you could set a fixed height (rather than a percentage) and adjust it accordingly.
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