Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 12 2025 @ 03:29 pm EST

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Suggestion: Make calendar a plugin

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I'm wondering if the calendar has finally been made into a plugin. Haven't seen this in CVS yet. I'd like to try adding code for handling recursive events. But it would surely help if I could get the calendar stuff separate from the GL core.

Anyone have any info on this?


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Well, we're still struggling with moving the links and polls to plugins. So don't expect this to happen until that is resolved ...

bye, Dirk


Ah. Thanks for the update.

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I have iphpcalendar running just so I can upload my iCal (here I mean Apple's OSX program) .ics files up (via FTP) which produces an RSS feed for events. Then I have a portal block in geeklog which displays that feed. It's actually easier to maintain my events that way than to go through the painful form post method of the built in GL calendar (1.3.9). I've heard the GL2 calendar (plugin?) will use the iCal standard though I don't know if that will make pubishing *to* the site easier.

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Speaking of ical - Gavin(shakagee), how was the integration at http://theouldsod.com done? I reckon the event list in the front is an RSS feed - is it as simple as putting headers and footers onto the phpical script for the calendar page integration?

I am trying to set up a WebDav based iCal for one of my sites and this would be a good display device.



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