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Geeklog Forum - Comment table statement.
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Registered: 12/17/04
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Trying to create my own theme, I ran in a validation issue when copying the source file in dreamweaver.
After some error and trial handling this is caused by the forum block which you can display on the front page, exactly the same like here on geeklog.
Here on geeklog it validates and when comparing the source code I can see that here on geeklog following is coded out:
<!-- td nowrap colspan="5" class="forumclass3" -->
<!-- /td -->
<!-- /tr -->
where in the standard it isn´t commented out but displays correctly in IE but fails to display in a WYSIWG editor like dreamweaver.
I tried to locate the string, but seems to fail
Anyone a clue where I can adapt this.
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
Trying to create my own theme, I ran in a validation issue when copying the source file in dreamweaver.
After some error and trial handling this is caused by the forum block which you can display on the front page, exactly the same like here on geeklog.
Here on geeklog it validates and when comparing the source code I can see that here on geeklog following is coded out:
Text Formatted Code
<!-- tr --><!-- td nowrap colspan="5" class="forumclass3" -->
<!-- /td -->
<!-- /tr -->
where in the standard it isn´t commented out but displays correctly in IE but fails to display in a WYSIWG editor like dreamweaver.
I tried to locate the string, but seems to fail
Anyone a clue where I can adapt this.
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
Status: offline
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Registered: 12/17/04
Posts: 340
OK - Fixed
I took me a while to figure it out and afterwards I did a search again, but couldn´t really find the answer allthough it is fixed here on geeklog.
So just in case someone else searches for it.
Following is the situation:
There seems to be a bug in the .thtml templates if you use the centerblock on the main page.
I downloaded the latest version available here, but it still seems to contain the error (forum_2.3.2_1.3.9.zip).
The result is that the page displays correctly in a browser (at least in IE) who ignores the mistake, but when displaying the page in a html editor it places everything after the forum centerblock outside the table.
Following "code" change fixes this in centerblock_header.thtml :
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<!-- table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"-->
<!-- please note the double cellspacing -->
<tr class="forumTitle" align="center">
<td width="25%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_FORUM}</b></td>
<td width="50%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_TOPIC}</b></td>
<td width="25%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_LASTPOST}</b></td>
<!-- tr -->
<!-- td nowrap colspan="5" class="forumclass3" -->
<!-- just uncomment the above two lines -->
Sorry if this is already listed somewhere else.
I did a search but couldn´t find.
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
I took me a while to figure it out and afterwards I did a search again, but couldn´t really find the answer allthough it is fixed here on geeklog.
So just in case someone else searches for it.
Following is the situation:
There seems to be a bug in the .thtml templates if you use the centerblock on the main page.
I downloaded the latest version available here, but it still seems to contain the error (forum_2.3.2_1.3.9.zip).
The result is that the page displays correctly in a browser (at least in IE) who ignores the mistake, but when displaying the page in a html editor it places everything after the forum centerblock outside the table.
Following "code" change fixes this in centerblock_header.thtml :
Text Formatted Code
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<!-- table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"-->
<!-- please note the double cellspacing -->
<tr class="forumTitle" align="center">
<td width="25%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_FORUM}</b></td>
<td width="50%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_TOPIC}</b></td>
<td width="25%" align="left" valign="middle" style="padding-left:5px"><b>{LANG_LASTPOST}</b></td>
<!-- tr -->
<!-- td nowrap colspan="5" class="forumclass3" -->
<!-- just uncomment the above two lines -->
Sorry if this is already listed somewhere else.
I did a search but couldn´t find.
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal
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