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Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 15
Can someone explain what the "auto archive" function is used for? The only change I see is that a different story template is used, and I can't find any documentation.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Some people prefer to move older stories to an "archive". You can actually see that on quite a lot of (non-Geeklog) sites.

I never understood that idea myself - it doesn't hurt havening the old stories around, IMO, since they drop off the index page automatically anyway. But in case you prefer that archive approach, you can have that now. And if you don't, simply ignore it ...

Auto-deleting stories, on the other hand, is useful, e.g. for "I'll be away"-type of posts or other posts that you won't need any more once their due date is up.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 15
Thanks for explaining. Yeah, I can't think of a use for it either. The same functionality is there with the automatic pagination, which is a really great feature.

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Registered: 07/25/03
Posts: 10
On a similar note, is there a script for auto-deleting older stories by topic and date?

I've >700 stories on my blog and I'd like to mass-delete all stories in certain topics greater than a year old.

Any ideas?