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How-2 Sites-1 Database

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Can someone tell me how to have the same information appear on two geeklog sites? thanks

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Depending on what you really want ... and presuming the two domains are on the same box and have access to the same DB using localhost.

1. Two domains - Exact the same information.

Why not point domain2 to domain1 ?

I´m trying to figure out for myself currently what the pro and cons are of multiple sites and one GL, so any suggestions why you want two fully different serups (e.g. lay-out) but same content ...

Except for cookie problem, you could also just duplicate your public_html directory and have the same base directory. Or even just install two exact copies of GL pointing to the same DB.

2. Two domains - same base - different content.


3. Two domains - different box - same content

You will have to share your DB. Not sure that is such a good idea.

4. Two Domains - Same Userbase - Different content.


5. Two Domains - Share partial Topics.

Possible, but would require some custom modifications.

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