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I just upgraded to Apache 1.3.33, PHP/4.3.10 and mod_perl/1.29 and now I can't upload files via filemgmt files 5 megs or so, I uploaded a 1.5 megs fine.. I'm using the latest stable filemgmt tarball. It gives me this error when I try to upload:

radiationangel Error

Error Code: 1017

ERROR: The file was not uploaded. Check permissions or duplicate file

Again, quota is ok, permisssions are ok. Followed everything to the letter from the install html file. Could someone please enlighten me? Thanks.

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Registered: 10/20/04
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Under File Uploads in your php.ini file, look at the following line and change it to whatever your biggest file is.

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 5M

Also, are you running Linux or Windows?



Hey, thanks for the reply. I just checked my php.ini files (I have one in /etc /usr/local/etc and /usr/local/lib). Since I didn't know where it put it by default, I used all three with symlinks. I changed the upload_max_filesize = 2M to upload_max_filesize = 20M, and did a killall -9 httpd, restarted.. and it still wouldn't let me download. I also commented out ; the line entirely and closed my browser and opened it again and it still didn't work. I thought that that would clear it up. I am running FreeBSD 4.10-P5. Any other ideas?

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Did you also change the following under Data Handling in php.ini?

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 20M

That should do the trick. Also restart your Apache server.


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Thanks for all your input. I finally fixed it. I noticed in php.ini there was a "upload_tmp_dir" commented out. I un-commented it out and created a /usr/local/tmp chmod'ed it 1777 and added that path to the "upload_tmp_dir" and it worked. The funny thing is, there was 143M free on / so I don't know why it failed to write to /tmp. Here is what my df -h looks like:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 239M 77M 143M 35% /
/dev/ad0s2e 486M 118M 329M 26% /var
/dev/ad0s4e 17G 1.3G 14G 8% /home
/dev/da1s1e 8.3G 4.6G 3.1G 60% /usr
/dev/ad1s2e 3.5G 1.6G 1.6G 50% /usr/local
/dev/da0s1e 8.2G 3.1G 4.4G 41% /usr/share/samba/download
procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc

Anyway.. it works now and I appreciate your help.

Joseph Anthony

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Registered: 10/20/04
Posts: 42
From Joe to

Your welcome on the help. I shouldn't have assumed that you had the "upload_tmp_dir" uncommented out and set. If what I suggested didn't work, I would have given you a copy of a general php.ini of what it should look like.

Anyway, I'm glad your file upload issues are fixed.
