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CM2F and phpBBbridge



i have just discovered Geeklog and the phpbb port phpBBridge, and i have being playing around to see if my mod, CM2F - wich merges mailinglists and forums, would be able to run on it.
The answer is yes, and all CM2F-s functions are working correctly on it.

I have setup a live demo site where i am enabling the full integration of CM2F and phpBB which enables a forum to behave just like a malilinglists manager, the user is able to subscribe to a forum to receive posts or to post via email ( i i am working on enhancing the security for this option).
Parellelly, it can be used aswell to move mailinglists into a forum, replicating the content of mailinglists into a thread mode of the forum.

CM2F can be found at http://www.digitalgraal.dyndns.org
the live test is being setup at http://geeklog.digitalgraal.dyndns.org



Exactly what is CM2F? Guess: Content Management To Forum?

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Registered: 01/31/05
Posts: 2
CM2F stands for community mailinglist to forum.

It started as M2F, mailinglist 2 forum, a project that i founded to be able of having the content of mailinglists archived into a forum.
Later on i quited M2F due to lack of time and due to divergences on how to approach M2F roadmap.
two year after, i came back to the work, M2F had made no real progress from the point where i left it, and i decide to implement my original roadmap.
So i started to implement the functionalities that i thought would help in having a flexible and powerfull system that could help a site manager having a bridge between two extraordinary source of content and knowledge, Mailinglists and Forums.

The result is CM2F, an application complementary to phpBB that allows the site administrators to bridge those two worlds.
At this moment CM2F supports, phpBB (in standalone mode), XOOPS (pbboard and xphpbbi), POSTNUKE (PNPhpBB2), PHPNUKE (Forums) and now GEEKLOG(phpBBBridge).
I am also in the process of looking at Xaraya (XarBCool, XOOPS (newBCool and MDpro( MDForums).

The application has gone through some initial difficulties due to the the crossplatforum compatibility, but as bugs are being detected and solve, the stability is increasing quite fast.

To allow users not familiar on how the application work i have setup a couple o demo sites, where the users can subscribe and post messages and see the features of the product.

cm2f.digitalgraal.dyndns.org (for phpBCool
postnuke.digitalgraal.dyndns.org(for Postnuke and PNphpBCool
phpnuke.digitalgraal.dyndns.org(for PhpNUke and Forums)
xoops.digitalgraal.dyndns.org(XOOPS and XphpBBI)
and now geeklog.digitalgraal.dyndns.org.

you can find more information in my website http://www.digitalgraal.dyndns.org




CM2F RC 04 has been released. One step more toward 1.0.




CM2F RC 05 is finally released.

It includes the fixes to all the bugs that have been reported on this website and it includes new features to make the platform more flexible and more compatible with all the environments supported.

As new features it includes:
- Improved Installation Script, that is able to manage New Installation, Upgrades, Resets and Uninstallations. this will allow to better support all the changes that are introduced in CM2F without loosing any configuration.
- Splitted Management Interfaces for the Mail2Forum and Forum2Mail features, now Forum2Mail are managed from their own interface allowing the users to configure all the parameters needed to have the system sending messages.
- Signature mode, associated with the Forum2Mail, signatures have been modularized, in order to have a configurable signatures to each of the Forum2Mail registers. The next step being configured is the inclusion of Autolinks that will be appended to the end of the signature, that will link back to the forum in order to perform configurable actions. This functions is being tested now.
- Inbound and OutBound Attachments, this functionallity allows the system to manage the attachments reaching the forum and vice versa. There are several processing modes associated with the feature, and that gives extra flexibility to manage the attachments. This function has been tested, but it can still have a couple of bugs in it, depending on the software used.
- Forum Subscriptions Management Improvement, now it is much more easy to manage the users subscribed to the forums, you can subscribe/unsubscribe all your users to the forums that you want to.

I have also started to code the Gmail pop3 access support, the function is not yet fully working but i have been able to make some tests. The suport is not included in this version of CM2F because i need to see the impact of the possibles solution in the release, in order to avoid dependencies that could create future problems.

Let-s continue the work with the documentation,where i will be spending most of my time,



Dany Blue

Hello all,

i have released the CM2F RC 05 FIX A at www.digitalgraal.dyndns.org.

I have updated also the CM2F RC 05 Package to have the update filed.

FIX A must be used by the users that have already CM2F setup in their systems and is intented to solve bugs and add new features.

CM2F RC 05 is for new users that have not yet setup the system.

It includes

Forum2Mail mail sending, when i splitted the M2F and F2M interfaces i have introduced a bug in the code which caused the mails not to be saved into the buffer.

User Usage Graphs, thanks to pjdm which pointed me to the error, the graphs are now working (at least in my tests).

Installation and Upgrade modification of the the cm2f_attach_mode value, wich caused some problems when installing and updating.

It includes aslo the new Administration interface.
The interface is configurable from the file /admin/cm2f_tags.inc, this means that if you prefer to have the standard phpbb interface for CM2F you can go to that file and change it.
The new interface is attempting to group all the functionalities and give a order to the functions, this way i hope that it will be easier to understand and use.
By click on the group tabs you can go a new admin functions that tries to give some explaination to each of the functions.

As always, feebbacks are welcomed.
This is a new step into version 1.0. As you know CM2F RC 05 is in its FINAL Preview phase, if no more important bugs are showing up, i will move the status to CM2F 1.0.

Thank you all for the support, suggestions. If anyone wants to make a donation it will be welcomed.


Digital Graal


finally after almost a 4 years development cycle, CM2F is on the edge of reaching the dreamed 1.0 version number Smile as a preview for now, but as the application is now very stable in all the supported CMS (phpnuke, postnuke,maxdev, xoops, mambo, etc) with all the phpbb flavors ports, i think that it will not take too long before change to 1.0.

For those that have followed closely the development status will see that the application has changed a lot from the first intents as M2F, then CM2F, and Now CM2F Groups.

The application allows full control of the messages incoming into the forum or being sent by the forum, almost every detail can be customized to suit the needs of the administrator.

The system is able to take on very large communities, as most of the tasks that could have an impact on the user experience are being made in the background. This allow the system to avoid slowness in the forum usage by the forums users.

The system is very modular, you can define any number of channels into the forums, and each forum that then further filtered to process the incoming message based on the "From" or "To" field. The subject line can be filtered to remove any tags that are not wanted.
The running modes available, allow to have a full control on how the admin wants the system to behave and classifiy the messages, and it can range from Fully automated, to Fully Manual, or to self learned, being the system able to learn using Baesyans rules to learn how to process the messages.

The security is customizable and you can define which users can use the system, or let anonymous users try the system for a couple of intents before having to register. Flood Control is also customizable and it will control the usage of the system, pausing then banning any user that will try to abuse from your system.

In the Forum2Mail feature, you total control over the way you want the system to process the messages, how it should them, to whom, using which templates, which language, how to process returning messages, or how redistribute the messages through subscribers users or external mailinglists.

The control of the system is very easy as there a several statistics tools that allow you to follow on the usage being given overally to your system or by specific users. This allows you to fully control the system.

All the functionalities can be enabled or disabled in order to suit the application to your real needs and avoid having some functions being displayed in the administrative menu without really needing it.

There a lot of other features that have been tested by the community users in all the supported environments, and the system is stable and running without errors( or almost Wink ).

Thank you to all the users that have been helping me with the debug and troubleshooting of some of the features, without them. i would have been probably still very far way from reaching the current status.

A milestone has been reached, and from now i think that CM2F Groups will be a reference for all the community administrators.


All times are EST. The time is now 12:16 pm.

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