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Google Adsense Issue

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I posted this on someone else's adsense forum post, but it was kind of old and i'm not sure if anybody has read it. Sorry for the repost, but I haven't received any help on this one.
Quote by newblogger: I'm having some problems with adsense. I have created a new normal block for the right hand side. I have used the skyscrapper settings as suggested. I then placed the javascript code from google into the block content. However I am not recieving anything. I was under the impression that I would get public service announcements if nothing else while google revisits my site. You can see the block in all it's nothingness at my site
The block title is Relative Stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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you seem to be missing a substantial portion of script--in particular, the link to google's show_ads.js. as well as the call to the ads themselves.

take a look at the page source of someone who is running their adsense successfully (i don't run it--I looked at scurvydawgs) and note the differences between theirs and yours. hopes that helps.

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thank you sir, again you have came through for me.
I have the block working now, and it is currently receiving the public service ads. Hopefully I will bg getting the actually google ads.
Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com

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I too am sufferring the same issue... well sort of. I have one set on the header of the page that is functioning perfect (so i can get the code right) however the item in the block (same code different size etc) doesn't work...

the site CLICK HERE had it working before (mid 2004) and the code appears to be the same as on other sites where its working (thanks for the tip machinari) so I am stumped.... any ideas?

Could it be that there is two instances of the code on the one page and it's google stopping it?

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yes yes... the prob is in your GET parameters for the link inside the iframe.
Or at least by changing the following I found that it worked for me.

remove the following
Text Formatted Code
.. it should now give you something.

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Quote by machinari:
Text Formatted Code


Hmmmm.... went looking for the offending code and couldn't find it... not sure what you mean, did you find it in the code on my pages or was it how you fixed your site?

Where should i go in my code to fix this error you found?

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yes, it is on your page that I found this.
edited it as above and reloaded your page and it worked.

find the iframe tag on your front page. view the source of that iframe. You'll find a frame source
Text Formatted Code

<td class="blockinfo-right" colspan="3" width="100%"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-1717574006879265";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 240;
google_ad_format = "120x240_as";
google_ad_channel ="";
google_page_url = document.location;
google_color_border = "FFFFFF";
google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
google_color_link = "FF6600";
google_color_url = "CCCCCC";
google_color_text = "333333";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js">
</script><iframe name="google_ads_frame" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-1717574006879265&dt=1106521909687&lmt=1106521898&prev_fmts=468x60_as&format=120x240_as&output=html&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.friends.com.au%2F&color_bg=FFFFFF&color_text=333333&color_link=FF6600&color_url=CCCCCC&color_border=FFFFFF&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.friends.com.au%2F&u_h=1024&u_w=1280&u_ah=1024&u_aw=1280&u_cd=32&u_tz=-480&u_his=1&u_java=true&u_nplug=17&u_nmime=67" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="240" scrolling="no" width="120"><img></iframe>

this is from your page. edit your block source according to my previous post.

hope that helps

[QUOTE=vinny] this post has been edited for readibility[/QUOTE]

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is there anyway to get the adsense to show up on internal pages, once a user has logged in. I am receiving the adsense now, but once i log in, all that is shown are the psa. any help?
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I want to share my experience:

I created a block with the code provided by Google and configured to be show in ALL pages.
When I load the main page of the site, the block shows only public ads, but when I navigate different topics, the block shows ads according to the topic content.

Don´t ask me why.... Sad


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Wish mine did that.
I've got the block working fine - simply pasted the code in and it worked.
But, I'm always getting the same 2 ad's. OK, I've not got much content on the site. But I thought I've still see differing ads now and again.
The site in question is crazygeek.co.uk all I ever get is 2 cisco ios ads. Strikes me as strange.
www.plymouthcricketclub.com - providing cricket for all ages in the Plymouth area.

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Maybe you guys who are only getting non profit ads or the same ads all the time need to start using a Robots.txt file.

Dirk wrote a great article on them.


Check it out.

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Location:Plymouth, Devon, UK
I'm going to provide an update on this one.
firstly, it appears that there are 2 types of ads - I'll call them normal and restricted.
It appears that when they first setup adsense for you you get restricted ads, then if you keep and eye on your log files you'll see that your site pages get sort of spidered by Mediapartners-Google. I say sort of spidered as they don't seem to follow all links, they just visit some of the various topics/static pages - It may even be a human doing it but I doubt it.
After the visit from Mediapartners-Google my site started to show what I consider normal ads - ie they changed.
And yes, I see different ads depending on what page you're on.

www.plymouthcricketclub.com - providing cricket for all ages in the Plymouth area.

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