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Easyfile file management plugin

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- Hierarchical folder structure with Geeklog access rights
- Geeklog access rights on all files (provided that the filestore is located outside the html tree)
- Geeklog integrated moderation of uploaded files
- By design, very few configuration options and upload fields

I've just completed the first phase of development of a new file management plugin. I found the existing filemgmt plugin too cumbersome, not "Geeklog" enough, and it lacked a couple of key features that I wanted. I started out by making changes to filemgmt, but I quickly realized that the changes I wanted to implement would eventually result in a complete rewrite, which is what I decided to do. The most recent version (0.6.3) is available on my site (file link).

Known issues:
- email confirmation is not sent when files are approved
- comments are not yet implemented (but the database is prepared for it, so I shouldn't have to break db-compatibility again)

UPDATE: made another point-release (0.6.2) containing minor bug fixes

UPDATE: another point-release (0.6.3) containing minor bug fixes, a few string changes, and tweaks to the templates

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I installed this plugin on a windows system, and when I try to call the index page (/public_html/easyfile/index.php) I receive an error. There is a strange ./ before the /plugins/easyfile/templates/index.thtml path. How can I fix it?

Thanks, Larent (I apologize for my bad english)

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Is your $_CONF['path'] set up correctly in config.php? The plugin uses its templates from:
$_CONF['path'] . '/plugins/easyfile/templates/'

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This is a error in the code.

In the original file it looks like this (index.php):
Text Formatted Code
$easyfile = new Template();
$easyfile->set_file ('page', $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/easyfile/templates/index.thtml');

It should look like this:
Text Formatted Code
$easyfile = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/easyfile/templates');
$easyfile->set_file('page', 'index.thtml');

You need to alter like this in all files that have the value "set_file", and you find it similar to this.
Dont ask my why, Im not a genious, but it worked for me. Big Celebration

If the author of this plugin contacts me, I'll send over my archive with this error fixed.

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Thanks, but the changes were minor, so I commited them directly to my local tree. I don't know what the _correct_ usage of the Template class is, but I'm pretty sure I've seen both methods used in the Universal Plugin Template.... so I don't know. Maybe I'll do some code digging and find out.

Anyway, this bug report is against an old version, and I haven't heard from the reporter since, so I'm assuming he got it working.

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Im not the one to tell you that what code you used are specific wrong, Im to be concidered a newbie Mr. Green

I got here because I got the same error myself when trying the pluging yesterday, but found a fix myself.
So if the tarball in download isent a old version then this is still an issue.
If I dont remember wrong this is a problem for users with windows-server like myself Giving it a try

But, in the end..
It works great and I like how the plugin is!! Big Celebration



I've just installed the easyfile plugin downloaded from this site (v7),
with no error messages. My geeklog admin folder is named GeekSjef,
because of a conflict with oscommerce using the admin folder already.
Though, I still can't make it work.
When trying to create a folder in the easyfile admin page I get redirected to the page admin/plugins/easyfile/index.php.
Which should have been: GeekSjef/plugins/easyfile/index.php
The $_CONF['site_url'] and $_CONF['site_admin_url'] in geeklog config.php are both correct as far as I can understand, and all other functions of geeklog works fine.

I'v tried to figure out the code and the flow of the plugin to determine what's wrong, but so far it's not very successfull....

I would realy appreciate any help on this problem, which makes me quite frustrated at the moment Banging your head



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Doh! - that was a mistake D'oh! That bug is in some of the earliest code I wrote for the plugin... open up folder.class.php, and search for this:

$_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin/plugins

and replace the two instances with this:

$_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins

Fortunately, the analogous bug for file creation and editing does not exist. Sorry about that, and thanks for the bug report. This fix will be in 0.7.2.



That realy helped me aout!
Now this will be a fine day after all Very Happy

I glanced at that line to, earlier today, but I just didn't know enough about this to understand it.

Annyway, thanx again! Great plugin!


i've done everything on here and i can't get easyfile to work. it installls successfully, creates all the shortcuts, but whenever i click on the "Downloads" link or the "Upload a File" link in User Functions or the EasyFile Admin link, all I get is a blank page...nothing shows up--I mean, everything else shows up but where the EasyFile content would be nothing shows up...just a blank page. Any suggestsions? i'm using GL 1.3.11

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I haven't upgraded to 1.3.11 myself, so I can't help you with this one. Perhaps you could provide some more information:
- When looking at the html output, is there _anything_ in the content area? (search for the text "START OF CONTENT AREA")
- Do you still get the site-footer?
- What browser are you using?
- What OS are you running Geeklog on (Windows?, Linux?, Unix?)

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Great plugin and as a moz. user, I enjoy it on a daily basis. However, my IE users are complaining that
1) the transparent png icons render with gray backgrounds and
2) the filetree does not render hierarchically.
Text Formatted Code
$retval .= ($this->id == 1? '<div>' : '<div style="padding-left: 18px;">');

Somehow, the above CSS offset assigned in folder.class.php does not seem to work. Perhaps, padding in lists is not IE friendly (yet)?

Anyway, without the hierarchical filetree, this plugin loses its charm, so perhaps we could move to table-rows instead of list-items for each listing, where padding-left is better supported by all browsers.

(Edit) See here for example. Nested lists may be another way to go.

Meanwhile, if you have a better solution, I would be glad to ponder over it.


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Text Formatted Code
    290         if(!empty($subfolders)) {
    291             $retval .= ($this->id == 1 ? '<div>' : '<ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0;  padding-left: 4em; ">');
    292             $retval .= implode('', $subfolders);
    293             $retval .= ($this->id == 1 ? '</div>' : '</ul>');
    294         }


The above code showing changes in line 291 and 293 of pub_html/easyfile/folder.class.php (to create nested lists) seems to be a good workaround - Moz. and IE are both happy and consistent.

Ran a little batch script for png > gif for the icons now my IE users shall rest easier.

Hope that helps, Cheers!

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Wow, thanks for your feedback. Yeah... I've become aware of the layout problems on IE, and I'm putting some time into fixing that for v0.7.2. Stupid friggin IE can't follow standards Wink

I'm on parental leave from work right now, so I don't have regular access to Windows, making trouble shooting more difficult... anyway, this IE issue is the only thing holding v0.7.2 back.

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No worries mate. This is why OpenSource WORKS!

Anyway, it seems there are a few differences in how IE and Moz. handle lists and bullets. There is a javascript out there to fix the png rendering issue, however it is sensitive only to img src tags and not when images are used as list bullets. FYI there are a few more CSS tags required to make the list perfectly the same in both Moz and IE that i discoverd after the last post. I could e-mail the modified file to you if you care, but you seem to be working on it already.

If you are about to release .7.2 there are a couple of other features that you may consider to add to the wish-list on my behalf.

1) the ability of site admin to change the owner of a folder.

2) a cosmetic one... the file details box that is to the right of the filetree is of a fixed size and often scrolls to the right of a screen. this is true especially when someone is using a history sidebar etc.. maybe the file details can be made relative instead of absolute. Of course I have changed this on my theme files, but it may be a nice feature out of the box.

That's my 2 krona's worth - Do keep us updated and congratulations.

PS: How about a sort order for file display?

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hi, first of all thanks for the probably great plugin, although i don't get it running (can't wait).

first of all: the version on this site is different from the version on your site. the one on geeklog.net has e.g. no tables to be defined in the config.php

i took the version from your site (i couldn't even install the version on the geeklog page) and added the fix from casper, as i was using a windows server. but all i got was this blank page (content area empty). then i uploaded to a unix machine, re-installed it, and i got the same blank page.

i will try looking for the error on myself, if you got any help i would be thankful.

might have to do with gl 1.3.11

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another error i found:

the table pi_gl_version is created by the geeklog installation with "gl_" is determined by the variable $_DB_table_prefix

therefore, in the admin/install.php of the plugin line 270 needs to be changed:

Text Formatted Code
DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['plugins']} (pi_name, pi_version, pi_gl_version, pi_homepage, pi_enabled) "

sorry i'm not so good therefore i don't know how to write the variable here. i changed the gl_ to my own prefix.


I had a problem (that I posted about over on the portalparts.com forum because I initially thought it was a problem with the forum-plugin).

With EasyFile installed, my forums had a problem where if you replied, it would give you an error about the topic not existing and then put your response into its own thread/topic. Example: You had two threads in a test forum, and you responded six times, you would end up with eight threads.

Disabling EasyFile got rid of the problem. That's not the most information, but I don't care to dig into it too much as I got everything working again Big Celebration This was with the most recent forum version (2.3.2) and with the most recent version of Easyfile found on the main GL site.

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my problem has solved with a re-install with the version from the geeklog site.

but there seems to be a problem with the $_EF_CONF['simple']
when set to false, i can't get into my geeklog site anymore. the main page, the plugin-page, nothing. even i can't logon as administrator.

found in the logs for each access to any page:
Mon Mar 14 23:32:04 2005 - Someone has tried to illegally access the Easyfile page. User id: , Username: , IP:

Can someone help me

I had to delete the plugin from my sm_plugins table Sad

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If disabling access to root folder for anonymous, disabling nonregistered to download I get access denied on ALL pages as anonymous, forums, faq, index... Absolutely all pages on site.
What is this and how to fix this?

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