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Registered: 11/18/04
Posts: 4
OK, here's the thing I have a guy willing to be the Links Admin, but for some reason he can't edit links he didn't make.

If I give him admin status he can but as a link admin, no way. Read only. If I go in as admin I can check edit under group for each link, but i'd have to o it one by one. I can do that for the ones we have in the system, but I can't do it for all of them we will get from here one out.

I have tweaked the config file settings so I dunno if I set something I shouldn't have.

Also, this would also partially fix the problem, I would like to set all links to have group edit checked on by default. Whereas now it's off, how? Is that in the database? What would set for that? I know the group number I want it to be.