Dave C

Ok, I've searched thru the forums etc, but I still can't find the answer to my medium-size upload problem.
I can upload small files OK, but I try to upload a 500K (or larger) file and it fails.
I don't get any errors from the script - I get the IE 'this page cannot be displayed' page (Cannot find server or DNS Error in the footer)
I overcame 1 other problem by creating a tmp dir under the files dir (must have missed that in the doc's) because there was a log entry, but not for this one.

These changes have been applied, one at a time but to no avail:
I get that the php.ini needs editing to upload largish files - I have changed the max size from 2M to 8M.
I have changed max post size to 10M for good measure.
And I've changed the mem allowance so scripts can consume 16M (!)
Also chmod'd the directory to 777 - but since small files make it OK I don't see how this could be an issue (it hasn't helped)

I have tried locally and from remotely - no change.
What have I missed please!!!!


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Could it be a timeout issue?

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/12/02
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Increase your timeout values, Restart your apache server

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OK, will try that as soon as I can get access from my current location.

I don't think it will work though, since the error appears immediately after clicking 'submit', more like the code is suddenly unavailable or the server doesn't respond with anything rather than timing out, which I presume would take at least a few seconds.

what values would you suggest I try? I have the server connected to the internet with a 1Mb/s down and 192Kb/s up ADSL connection. Everything else works very smoothly.


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Registered: 11/08/04
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Woohoo! I found it.

(I am running RedHat9)

in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf, increase the value of LimitRequestBody.
It is by default 524288 (0x80000)
Change it to something large - I used 10485760 (0xA00000) which gives me 10Mb, heaps of upload capacity.
