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Registered: 08/16/04
Posts: 8
Edit: See post below this - I narrowed the problem listed below down to Story Admin access.

Situation : Wanting to edit or delete stories (topics), or contribute a story.

Problem : When doing so with an account that is the admin or raised to admin levels, I get the following errors :

Mozilla/Firefox, Contributing or editing a story
Error message displayed : No input file specified.

Internet Explorer
Contributing a story
Error Message: IE's 404 page.

Internet Explorer
Editing a story
Error Message: IE's 404 page

Tried on two different machines.

If I lower one of my accounts to regular status, I can contribute no problem.

If I change themes, still the same problems as above (including the default/XSilver theme).

I thought maybe this was the solution, but I don't believe it is now :
This GeekLog thread

To say I'm is an understatement.

It's not themes
It's not a particular browser.
It's not a particular machine.
It's not a particular user (since if I lower, I can contribute)

It could be my file permissions...but I would think if I was having permission problems like that, that they would crop up elsewhere, and that I wouldn't be able to contribute a story at all as any user.

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Registered: 08/16/04
Posts: 8
To add to the above. I take a normal user, no root/admins.

Once I add Story Admin to an account, that user cannot contribute any stories or edit any stories ( as listed in the previous post), even though the edit and contribute links are still valid/seeable by that user. With or without Topic Admin (I know it's required, but just pointing out that Story Admin is where contribute breaks, along with everything else, but contribute works with just Topic Admin and not Story Admin).

If I remove Story Admin, I can contribute stories. Otherwise I get the errors listed above (No input file specified).

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Registered: 08/16/04
Posts: 8
Since I double posted, I'll make it useful.

I understand about the FAQ about the Story Admin/rights/etc.

I think a sign that I have a larger or different problem is the contribution problem, and the fact that I can't edit/delete with my Admin account (the original account).

Edit: Even more info. I have a sort of "shadow" GL setup on my site with it's own database, to check plugins, menus, themes, etc. It was installed virtually identical to my main site. I can go on there and edit and submit/contribute stories to my heart's content.