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Registered: 06/06/04
Posts: 1
Hello all,

Have been using Geeklog for a while now for a few websites, and thought I should list one of them here.

Discussion and information about fake items being sold online

It has one (incomplete) somewhat interesting feature, it has limited support for the accept-language header as sent by browsers, and for anonymous users it can switch between Dutch, German and English depending on what preferences the user has set in their browser.

If I ever manage to make that code generic (that is, when I get time to do so) I'll publish it here if peopel are interested. For now it only supports the 3 mentioned langauges, and the selection is 'hardcoded'.

On another note (and now I am writing here anyway), another Geeklog site I run can be found at

There is an article there about settign up Geeklog on FreeBSD that might be of interest to people on here.

Then, does anyone here have experience with using Geeklog behind a reverse proxy? Specifically, the pollbooth code messes up with the checking of client IPs (logical, the client ip will always be that of the reverse proxy, it will have to look at the forwarded headers to fidn the real client)

I could fix that myself probably, but I wonder if I am either overlooking a feature to support this or some patch that addresses this.

regards, Bart.