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Registered: 03/07/04
Posts: 5
This may have been covered before but I didn't get any hits trying to search for the answer:

Is there a reason Geeklog Poll Vote Tracking code (as of at least 1.3.9sr1) tracks voters by IP Address instead of something else like username?

I'm on a cable modem so my IP Address rarely changes although it does happen. However, I run a site where some unknown, non-zero percentage of users will be on dialup where their IP changes frequently. On this site I also expect multiple usernames/household and I would really like them to 1) get the change to vote appropriate per username and 2) get a consistent UI display of whether they have voted or not independent of their IP Address.

Thoughts anyone? Maybe I've got something misconfigured?

Java/J2EE developer by day, GeekLogger by night

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Registered: 01/12/02
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There's an FAQ entry that explains how the polls work and how to configure them.

Personally, I don't like the idea of storing the username, as that would effectively mean collecting data about your users, and it may even have legal implications in some countries. Also, this obviously won't work for anonymous users.

bye, Dirk