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"quote of the day" coming soon to a blog near you
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I'm developing my first plugin--should be awesome.</sarcasm> It is a "quote of the day" plugin for GL 1.3.9 that will support the following features:
*user -- add quote
*admin -- add ; edit ; delete ; batch add ; batch delete after search/list
*list/search quotes -- all ; by category ; by quoted ; by contributor
*stats -- no. of quotes; most quoted
*GL stuff like moderation, permissions, search
*will sport centerblock functionality for a random quote, and a random quote block will be included.
if you have any suggestions, let me know. It'll take me a week or two due to my busy schedule.
*user -- add quote
*admin -- add ; edit ; delete ; batch add ; batch delete after search/list
*list/search quotes -- all ; by category ; by quoted ; by contributor
*stats -- no. of quotes; most quoted
*GL stuff like moderation, permissions, search
*will sport centerblock functionality for a random quote, and a random quote block will be included.
if you have any suggestions, let me know. It'll take me a week or two due to my busy schedule.
There is one quote of the day block for GL:
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Quote by tester: There is one quote of the day block for GL:
There is actually more than one, but I guess you don't need to download another one then.
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Response to inquiries:
Just wanted to make one thing clear: this plugin will not search other sites for a quote of the day, but rather relies on your own database, thus the add and delete functions, etc.
I currently have a db of over 600 philosophy and religion quotes and I'd like to use them on some of my sites. Thus the plugin.
As far as the quote being random, whether it is in the centerblock or the phpblock, the quote will change with every refresh or change of the page.
Just wanted to make one thing clear: this plugin will not search other sites for a quote of the day, but rather relies on your own database, thus the add and delete functions, etc.
I currently have a db of over 600 philosophy and religion quotes and I'd like to use them on some of my sites. Thus the plugin.
As far as the quote being random, whether it is in the centerblock or the phpblock, the quote will change with every refresh or change of the page.
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Quote by machinari: this plugin will not search other sites for a quote of the day, but rather relies on your own database, thus the add and delete functions, etc.
Cool, exactly what I'd like to have

Quote by machinari: As far as the quote being random, whether it is in the centerblock or the phpblock, the quote will change with every refresh or change of the page.
That's certainly the easiest to implement. Also it would be nice if it were configurable to only change every n hours ...
bye, Dirk
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I just wanted to throw out there that I modified Tony's fortune plugin months ago and it will do some of what you wanted. You maintain your own quote database and can have a quote of the day and have the quote cached for x hours/days etc. It's nothing too fancy but it works for my simple needs.
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i'm interested in a quote of the day block or something of the sort, i would like to maintain my own quote database, i can't program my dvd so i guess i'll have to wait on one of you smart guys. thanks for all the help thus far
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well it has been at least a week and a bit more. Thought I'd share my progress.
first- not as simple a project as I thought with all the stuff I want the plugin to be able to do.
*had to redesign the tables 12 times already.
*it installs
*centerblock works
*phpblock in lib-custom works
*add, batch add both work with all the relevant data being stored properly--finally. i'm not a big mysql guy.
*the plugin's index page displays a listing of all quotes and can be sorted from there.
*permissions work and are configurable. the default upon installation does not allow anon users to add quotes, but logged-in users can (1 at a time unless they are root).
*working on the search functions right now.
*the admin functions, delete, alter, etc., will be next.
it will take me longer than i thought because my classes begin next week, but will still be "plugin" away.
first- not as simple a project as I thought with all the stuff I want the plugin to be able to do.
*had to redesign the tables 12 times already.

*it installs
*centerblock works
*phpblock in lib-custom works
*add, batch add both work with all the relevant data being stored properly--finally. i'm not a big mysql guy.
*the plugin's index page displays a listing of all quotes and can be sorted from there.
*permissions work and are configurable. the default upon installation does not allow anon users to add quotes, but logged-in users can (1 at a time unless they are root).
*working on the search functions right now.
*the admin functions, delete, alter, etc., will be next.
it will take me longer than i thought because my classes begin next week, but will still be "plugin" away.
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good to hear about your progress. Just wanted to note that our phpblock function can be in your plugins functions.inc file which will make it an easier install.
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You can see the phpblock in action at alfiegeorge.com though it is only a block with a quote and byline in it. There are about 660 philosophy, religion, and misc quotes there and of course some from starwars. In a few days I should have the main display page with various sorting features working properly as well as the search form.
Just didn't want anyone getting worried that it wasn't workin' out.
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... more like suicide.... looks good i refreshed it about 15 times, i like that it changes with each refresh, actually it looks great as does the rest of your site. is this using a admin defined quote database or is it pulling quotes from somewhere. if you're looking for someone else to test it.. i'm ready and willing. great work
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Quote by newblogger:is this using a admin defined quote database or is it pulling quotes from somewhere
Those quotes are all coming from my own database. add forms are available for those who have permission. Quote by newblogger:if you're looking for someone else to test it.. i'm ready and willing
as far as testing goes, gimme a week or so and i'll give you all another update and we'll go from there. Quote by newblogger:actually it looks great as does the rest of your site
if you like the theme, it is called alfiegeorge, after my son, and you can dl it from the downloads section on this site.
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You can see the main page in action here.
The search form is there but I haven't finished the backend.
To see the admin functions, you'll just have to wait to download it. a few more days anyway.
If you guys saw my code, you would laugh. it's bloated, dirty, and inconsistant. but it works.
don't mind the difficult read due to the background picture. you'll get over it.
oh, and you can't sort by "most quoted" cuz i forgot to uncomment some sql.
The search form is there but I haven't finished the backend.
To see the admin functions, you'll just have to wait to download it. a few more days anyway.
If you guys saw my code, you would laugh. it's bloated, dirty, and inconsistant. but it works.
don't mind the difficult read due to the background picture. you'll get over it.

oh, and you can't sort by "most quoted" cuz i forgot to uncomment some sql.
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search form works now, and i've made it a bit more display friendly using the block header and footer COM's.
for the most part, as far as the anon user is concerned, it works. sort by most quoted, gl search, what's new, i think are all i have left for the basic stuff.
the stats work well IMO tho the search page doesn't yet handle the url's. Admin stuff is almost done. loggedin users can add and admin can batch add. admin can edit contributors, quotes, persons quoted, categories. I haven't looked at the moderation functions yet.
take a look at it and tell me what you think so far. it's pretty basic. it's not meant to be much more than it is, but if you have suggestions, please let me know. visit the dailyquote plugin.
for the most part, as far as the anon user is concerned, it works. sort by most quoted, gl search, what's new, i think are all i have left for the basic stuff.
the stats work well IMO tho the search page doesn't yet handle the url's. Admin stuff is almost done. loggedin users can add and admin can batch add. admin can edit contributors, quotes, persons quoted, categories. I haven't looked at the moderation functions yet.
take a look at it and tell me what you think so far. it's pretty basic. it's not meant to be much more than it is, but if you have suggestions, please let me know. visit the dailyquote plugin.
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loggedin users can add and admin can batch add.
One cool thing would be to have permissions in the admin section that allow us to customize that. For example, maybe allow all visitors to add.
Even cooler would be to have this go through the submission process like stories and links can.
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Quote by ppmnt:
One cool thing would be to have permissions in the admin section that allow us to customize that. For example, maybe allow all visitors to add.
already done. i just listed how it is upon default install.One cool thing would be to have permissions in the admin section that allow us to customize that. For example, maybe allow all visitors to add.
Quote by ppmnt:Even cooler would be to have this go through the submission process like stories and links can.
yup, the moderation functions are being worked on.
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Looks awesome. You know I'm a relative newbie and your stuff looks great. I've been awaiting the arrival of the plug-in for a while now. Keep up the great work. You are a real inspiration i went out and bought php and mysql for dummies as a reference point, hopefully i will gain some knowledge and as my expierence grows i can create some cool stuff.
keep rockin'
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keep rockin'
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just finishing of the config backend tonight. I'll clean it up and release a prerelease thurs or fri.. I have a busy week so it'll have to wait till then...
In the meantime, you may dl some few pics of the plugin that I snapped just to keep your whistle wet. half Meg and you can get them here
In the meantime, you may dl some few pics of the plugin that I snapped just to keep your whistle wet. half Meg and you can get them here
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