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zclassifieds fatal error / undefined action in advt/index.php

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Registered: 07/20/04
Posts: 51
downloaded the zclassifieds from gl for 1.3.9 install went fine but when i go to the "home" page for zclassifeds in gl, i get this error which i cannot seem to correct...(line 200 seems fine):

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: error() in /home/greenhil/public_html/godekalb-com/advt/index.php on line 200

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Registered: 06/17/03
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Not claiming to be an expert here, but here is what I did. I had the same issue, and quickly discovered that it was happening on all my files. I think the query statement has to match what is in your system/lib-database.php which in my case was DB_query.

I had to go through admin/plugins/advt/ file and replace mysql_query with DB_query and had to do the same with public_html/advt.

The easiest way (for me) to do this was to use the VI editor and use this string to replace the mysql_query for me:


If you're unfamiliar with the vi editor, it is a unix shell editor, so you will need access to the unix shell to run. You enter a colon ":" to get to the command prompt and then enter the above string. The 1 tells it to start at line 1, and the /g tells it to go the end of the document.

:w to save changes and :q to quit.

Anyway, hope this helps.
T.Marquez Jr. -
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www.indianapolisfilm.net - Geeklog 1.4.0sr5-1

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Registered: 07/20/04
Posts: 51
Brilliant! Thanks-works like a charm!!

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