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Feature request: article language

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A feature request for the next 1.3 release.

It would be useful to have an extra db field for articles, static pages and links etc. (pretty much everything in fact) that could be used as a language flag. This should have no effect on basic installations, but would allow some of us to develop truly multilingual sites in the future.

Alternatively, the ability to edit article ids as you can for static pages would be a start (then we can do things like my_article_en, my_article_ja, etc.)


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small


To do this properly would require more than an extra field -- the stories table would need to be separated into the parts that are language independent (date, author, topic etc.) and those that are language dependent (title, content). You'd then have a M:1 relationship between the tables.

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Not necessarily. If you then create a reference table that has


etc. fields, you can then map multiple articles to a single master key, and show the correct article depending on the language. But then, if you think about it, you don't need the flag if you do that.....


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Registered: 02/13/04
Posts: 23
I could make use of an feature like that.


I thought about this some more.

If you want to be able to have the same content in multiple languages then you will need an extra table. This would be the best way to internationalise static pages for example. The scenario is that the user selects their language and sees the page in that language.

But with stories it's probably different. On a bilingual site admins/users will post stories in their own language and other admins/users may translate them or they may not. It's unlikely you'd have exactly the same content available in both languages.

In this context a flag in the story table makes sense as it allows users to select the stories in their language.

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