
One of my subscribers asked if there's a way to set cookies for my site so they can have the site remember them, so they don't have to log in every time they visit.

I'll look around for the answer, but the General Help crowd seems to know the answers to my questions better than I know how to find them.



PS: I'm getting very positive comments on the site, and nearly 100 subscribers since Saturday.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by Don: One of my subscribers asked if there's a way to set cookies for my site so they can have the site remember them, so they don't have to log in every time they visit.

In their Account Information: "Remember Me For ...".

Long-term cookies like this are a security risk, though, as someone could try and take over your cookie which would then enable them to log into your account. Therefore, the default lifetime of that cookie is now 8 hours (as of Geeklog 1.3.9), but you can have it live up to a month, if you like.

bye, Dirk


Thank you, Dirk.
