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Theme Creation

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Registered: 03/11/04
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I have a question that I didn't give a fair chance of searching for... hehe

I realize that by splitting up the theme into multiple files you can edit them easier and make adequate adjustments alot more effecient. Could all these files be put in one for example, theme.html?

Yea its one of those 'Why is the sky blue?' kinda questions. It really doesn't matter as far as its functionality goes but what my point is the theme development itself.

I want to create alot more themes to make available to the GL community. I was searching for a theme tutorial but could not find one. So my question is: Is there a way to simply make the theme template in DreamweaverMX and then break up the html in the separate files and make sure to call all other functions to make it compatible with gl? Or is there a simpler (that a word?) way of developing themes?

Just trying to give back to the GL community!

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There's only a handful of files that you need to modify to make a huge impact (listed in the theme documentation, in case you still haven't found it).

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 03/11/04
Posts: 9
ooops... hehe... i totally forgot about that. Razz

Thanks, I will get to work on those themes asap. Smile

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Quote by Dirk:
There's only a handful of files that you need to modify to make a huge impact ....

I think thats my objective though... try to find a way to make a huge impact (in a positive way) to the themes, or rather, the way themes are created and viewed.

Here is where I am coming from:
I am starting to LOVE css far more than tables. I'm just finally realizing the type of controll and ease you get with CSS stylesheets. I still like tables and I think there is a part of me that won't stray from using tables. But I am finding out how cool it is how an enitre site can be changed with a single CSS file.

Check out what I mean: csszengarden.com
Now this site demonstates purely how a single, and most of all simple, xhtml file can be altared to look so different with each CSS stylesheet applied to it. Just take a few minutes to check out the different applications.

Although GL is much more complex than that example, what I find is a possibility of what gl theme creation could be. I think of all the themes I have tested with gl, I find Axonz Red theme to be the closest to what I am talking about. I am currently attempting to take kinda the groundwork of what he did with that theme and change up the stylesheet to see if I can make the theme look totally different, and maybe, just maybe not look so much like all other CMS programs.

I guess I am just getting a little tired of the whole left block, right block, center block, block block block look of all CMS progs. And after looking at the ZenGarden site I see a whole new world of just the possibilities. Just my opinion of course.

I would love to see some other opinions on this or any comments about anything I said above. My intention is not to make it NOT look like gl (far from it, I love gl Big Grin ). Rather, I see it in this way: I'm just ready to buy some new clothes at a new store. Laughing Out Loud

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