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preparing for upgrade to 1.3.9


I am preparing for upgrade from 1.3.8rc2 to 1.3.9 after RC3 goes final. Past upgrades have been rocky for me so asking for advice on a few things.

1) I have four plugins -- filemgmt, forums, staticpages, stats. Do I need to individually reinstall each of those after I do the 1.3.9 install?

2) the upgrade doc says "Be sure to back up any modified themes, images, and static pages from your current installation." that's talking about HTML pages that I may have put into my file system, right? If I have static page plugin, all info about GL static pages stored in the database, correct?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by wfzimmerman: 1) I have four plugins -- filemgmt, forums, staticpages, stats. Do I need to individually reinstall each of those after I do the 1.3.9 install?

You can of course keep their directories.

It's important that you replace all of Geeklog's files, so that's why the upgrading instructions recommend to remove everything first. But if you're careful and keep the directories for the plugins while replacing everything else, they will continue to work just fine.

You should, however, reinstall the static pages plugin, as the install script will try to upgrade its data structure.

Quote by wfzimmerman: 2) the upgrade doc says "Be sure to back up any modified themes, images, and static pages from your current installation." that's talking about HTML pages that I may have put into my file system, right?

Yeah, the term "static pages" is a bit confusing here. The static pages that the plugin provides are stored in the database.

bye, Dirk

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I simply overwrote my 1.3.8 site with 1.3.9 files, updated the config.php, lib-common.php, and lib-custom.php, and ran the installation. For the layout, I added the changed files according to the changed-file list over the old layout.

It works seamlessly so far.

What would be the disadvantage of upgrading this way, other than having a few unneeded files remain in the site?


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Quote by samstone: What would be the disadvantage of upgrading this way, other than having a few unneeded files remain in the site?

If you can make sure that you've uploaded all the new files in their proper places, then that's fine.

Mixing old and new files can cause interesting effects, so that's why we recommend to remove the old files first. If you then forget to upload a new file, you at least get an unambiguous error message ...

bye, Dirk

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