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Forum User
Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 16
To add a "counter" (total hits) to the bottom of your geeklog do this:

edit lib-common.php

find where the footer is being set up, function COM_siteFooter

then add this :

Text Formatted Code
$totalhits = DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'],'value',"name = 'totalhits'");$footer->set_var('lang_totalhitstosystem',$LANG10[2]);$footer->set_var('total_hits', $totalhits);

now edit your footer file in your theme directory and add:


and this should display the hits, now ya have a counter

Note: having trouble using the
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stuff, hopefully this displays properly

this is ironfeather's mod from:

webmaster discussion

my geeklog discussion is at:;f=20