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How not to display older stories on the Home Page


I am trying to figure out how NOT to display stories on a home page. I just want the stories listed under their respective topics and not listed on the home page. If anyone could explain, I would appreciate your help.

Thank-you for your time


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There are a couple of ways to do this.

One is to make a staticpage, set it to display on the homepage, and set it to take up the entire page.

Is that what you want?

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Registered: 09/23/02
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At scoha.com which is a hockey league site that has definite yearly cutover, I simply created a topic for each year's set of articles. Players can get to last year's and the year before's articles by selecting that topic from the menu, but only current articles show on the home page.

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Registered: 09/23/02
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I should have mentioned as well - there is a mode option for a story that lets you select either "topic only" or on front page.


I appreciate everyones responses.

I am not the creator of the site however, I have been appointed the administrator of it. I like how things work but, it is taking me a while to understand the working processes.

I know there is a mode option which I thought I had applied correctly but the stories are listed on the home page even though I have listed them in their respective topic and I have selected to "Not Feature" and "Show only in Topic."

I am hoping this is something minor I am over-looking and can modify fairly easily. I looked through some older post and found something about editing this:

There is no such option, but you could add it in function storyeditor() in admin/story.php after the line that reads} elseif ($mode == "edit") {
$A['frontpage'] = 0;

After that change, all new stories would default to "Show only in topic".

Any more advice before I mess the entire site up?


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