Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 20 2025 @ 05:04 am EST

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"fatal error: failed opening mysql.class.php... blah blah... line 110"


Fatal error: Failed opening required './system/databases/mysql.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homepages/12/d91116938/htdocs/system/lib-database.php on line 110

ACK! can someone help me figure out how to set my paths up correctly?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Try the path from the error message:


Although this doesn't look too good. You should probably put everything that's in Geeklog's public_html directory into your "htdocs" directory and everything else outside of it, i.e. in the "d91116938" directory.

bye, Dirk

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looks like you're on 1and1 host?

i have htdocs/okg/public_html

all geeklog files are in htdocs/okg (this includes system, public_html, plugins, etc..)
in htdocs/okg/public_html/ is where web-viewable files exist. (includes admin/ lib-common.php, index.php, etc..)

if you are infact on 1and1, go into the admin and you can specify the root folder for each domain they host. shouldn't be too difficult. Mr. Green
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams


Hi guys, I'm also a 1and1 user. I have trouble installing GeekLog, could you help me out a bit?
I have no idea how to find my paths. I looked in the 1and1 support forum, nothing.
is it just the folder that I've placed geeklog into, or something else?

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If you SSH into your provider, cd to the directory whose path you want to find.

Type 'pwd' to get the path to that directory.

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1and1 does provide SSH... don't even have to ask. They have a 3yr free promotion on ... www.1and1.com.

In any case... what i did was grab the Geeklog tar ball to my htdocs/ folder. ran tar xfvz geeklog-.tar.gz, then renamed it to okg. after that, logged into my 1and1 control panel under "domains" -> "domain overview", make sure your domain is added, then edit the properties. you can specify your home directory. make sure you specify the same home directory for their s#######.onlinehome.us or people will be able to see everything under the geeklog public_html dir.
Ohh.. and if you know nothing about *nix commands and editors, now's a good time to learn Mr. Green

[edit: i re-read that... err.. i must be drunk... reply to this if you have any other questions and i'll see if i can help.]
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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I was emailed personally, so i figure i'd post the reply here as well.

I simply use putty. Nothing more, nothing less… It should drop you into /kunden/homepages/12/d##########/htdocs when you first login to 1and1.

Try the following commands. I’ll use # for comments.
Text Formatted Code

wget http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=271
tar xfvz geeklog-1.3.8-1sr3.tar.gz
mv geeklog-1.3.8-1sr3/ mywebsitename/  # you can change “mywebsitename/” to whatever you want.  I used “okg/” since my website is okanagangirlz.com.  just the abbrev.
cd mywebsitename/

# now edit config.php – I use VI editor, I like it
vi config.php  # learn to use VI editor.  If not, use Nano (nano –w config.php)
$_CONF['path'] = '/homepages/12/d########/htdocs/okg/';

# next, save and close the config.php (use “ESC” followed by “:wq” for VI, or CTRL-X for nano.

# now edit lib-common.php
vi public_html/lib-common.php

# around line 68-70
require_once( '/homepages/12/d########/htdocs/mywebsitename/config.php' );


Hope this helps.
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

The same Clueless n00b

Okay, I tried putty, I can't get it to work here at work (firewall issues?)

So, I FTPed everything and made the public_html directory my home directory. So far, so good.

Started the install.php script... and it gives me the SAME FARKING MESSAGE!! GRRR!!

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'homepages/12/d91116938/htdocs/system/databases/mysql.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homepages/12/d91116938/htdocs/system/lib-database.php on line 110


If I navigate to the 'homepages/12/d91116938/htdocs/system/databases/mysql.class.php' file, IT'S THERE! Why won't it open?

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Quote by The same Clueless n00b:Fatal error: 'homepages/12/d91116938/htdocs/system/databases/mysql.class.php'

Shouldn't there be a '/' at the beginning of that? Check your paths.

Clueless n00b con't.

Holy crap. You were right

I'm such an idiot. Sorry everyone.

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