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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by Tocotoco: Register Globals is a bad way to program and they all know that but some scripts still insist on using it even thought the entire php comunity has said DONT USE register_globals=on

This is covered both in the FAQ and on our Security Page.

Quote by Tocotoco: I log into Admin account fine but, if I click on account information, I get to stay in the same screen.

Looks like register_globals is still off. For the Account Information, Geeklog will take you to "usersettings.php?mode=edit". If register_globals is off, the "mode=edit" bit will not be passed and Geeklog will take you back to the index page.

As I've said before, you can check the current status of register_globals on the info.php output.

bye, Dirk


Php.ini was set "on" on global. it was even set with safe mode "off" as well and does not work. Any files I could re-load with the same installation and where? also, do we need safe mode on or off on php.ini?mine is set off for now as well

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
The Safe Mode setting doesn't matter - Geeklog should work with it being on or off. Also, the problem you described doesn't seem to have anything to do with safe mode settings.

FWIW, I can log into your site just fine (using the Moderator account) and even get to the Account Information page without a problem.

bye, Dirk


Up and running !! I turned off the computer and unloaded history, cookies, shut off firewall (no need to do this) and BINGO!! as you said there it was. Thank you kindly. I am off in ahurry to turn this into spanish now, but, that is another chapter.
bye and merry chrismas!


Dirk, my server has register_globals on, but on GL install it says its not on, and that it needs to be on. Then the install works fine. Is that going to be a problem?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Quote by vegeta9870: my server has register_globals on, but on GL install it says its not on, and that it needs to be on. Then the install works fine. Is that going to be a problem?

To my knowledge, the install script has always been right when it says that register_globals is not on, so you better double-check.

The install script itself will work with register_globals being on or off, but Geeklog requires it to be on. So, yes, that will be a problem ...

bye, Dirk

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