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Registered: 11/16/03
Posts: 10
I keep getting the same error:

Template Error: set_root: /home/gldtdngs/public_html/layout/XSilver is not a directory.

Could this be because I have my blog setup as a subdomain on my regular site? Doing it this way, I end up having to go through public_html to get to the folder that contains the public_html for geeklog.

I have checked my path statement for spelling and puncuation and there is nothing wrong that I can find.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by gramps: Template Error: set_root: /home/gldtdngs/public_html/layout/XSilver is not a directory.

So the obvious question is: Does that directory exist?

This is usually a path problem (as explained in the installation instructions). Make sure Geeklog's $_CONF['path_html'] variable has the proper path to where you put index.php, lib-common.php, the layout directory and everything else that is in Geeklog's public_html directory. Read the comments in config.php just above the $_CONF['path_html'] variable.

bye, Dirk