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Registered: 06/09/03
Posts: 162
Suppose, I want new users to register with extra information. I will use the custom_member_info database. My moderator will allow this user, based on this information.

Now, I want the user to be able to edit the standard GL account info, since it contains some very refined options.

Solution. In the usersettings.php code extra mode='custom' and go to the custom_registration. Remove this under mode='edit'. In this way the user_block could display two menu lines to edit the custom information and/or the standard account information.
Another way to handle this is to create a link in the memberdetail.thtml, to access the standard account info; OR, to have a link in the regular account form to edit the custom info thru the memberdetail form.

Still there?

Off course, using the menu plugin, these two menulines could be easily added. A second option would be to name the extra menu_line in the config.php:
custom_menu_line="myGeekLog" in order to let the user_block show up the line, or
custom_menu_line="" in order to suppress it.

Anyway, it needs a language array in the geeklog core.
If interesting, I'll post the changes to the GL core files.