Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 10:31 pm EST

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Server Answer for Dummies


Which would be the best deal in the way of hosting? 1GB with 4GB data transfer for $109.95 or 2GB with 35 GB bandwith for $35. month. I don\'t understand which would be the best deal. I have a lot of domains and need a server that will hold them all for a reasonable cost... Please advise your thoughts. Idea Question

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Registered: 09/29/03
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r u kidding? check what u typed man...

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I\'m not quite sure if I understand both deals you are describing, but I think you are saying that the first deal is $109.95 flat rate for 4gb of data transfer, and that you can keep your site up until that 4gb of bandwidth is used up? The second deal sounds liek you get up to 35gb of bandwidth per month, but you pay each month regardless of how much bandwidth you use. If this is the case, then your answer (as it is so often) is: it depends. If you are running a big site that will use more that 1.5 gb of data transfer per month, the monthly deal is better, because you will use up the 4 gb in less than 3 months. But if you\'re running a small blog, it may take a very very long time to go through 4 gb, and then the flat rate is better. Exaurdon~


The two server offers in question are www.psekhosting.com and www. gainwithus.com I Also.. I don\'t know how to tell how much space I\'m using . how would I tell. www.nans.us is my biggest site... thanks for any help you can give. I need to move my sites soon.


I type in the wrong servers... OOOOOPPPPPS.. The two I\'m looking at for the best deal are: www.psekhosting.com and www.e-z-hosting.com thanks for looking if you will . I need to get a new servera and need the best deal.

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