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Calendar Upgrade

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There has been a lot of requests for an upgrade to the calendar for Geeklog 1.3.x. I\'m working on such an upgrade to be a plugin replacement for the calendar. Major imporvements and features include full support for recurring events, iCalendar compatibility, full Geeklog group/user integration, and much more. So far I\'ve completed work on the MySQL tables, and gotten pretty far working on a display class. I would appreciate it if people took a look at the table definitions to make sure I\'m not missing anything obvious. Check out what is completed so far at: http://shell.abtech.org/~vmf/geeklog/calendar.html. I\'ll post progress updates to this thread as work gets completed. Any questions or suggestions can be posted here or emailed to me at vinny01@users.sourceforge.net. -Vinny

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Well, here goes some thoughts on what could be very useful in new calendar: Cribbing a bit from my favorite Online Calendar.

Group Views
The most important feature of all.
Security based group views into ONE calendar.
Idea would be to have multiple groups be able to post their events into one calendar (analogy would be multiple departments in one company).
The events show up as different colors See exmample
Buttons or drop-down allows selection of ALL groups (visible to this user's security rights), or just ONE group.
Colors help distinguish views when you show ALL
Users with no rights to a group never see events for that group
(Security wise very much in the vein of current Forums plug-in, which you can assign View/Post rights to a specific group and hide from others.)

Multi-view, multi-format
Views: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, Go to Date
Formats: calendar, list, print view (no wrapper)

Integrate calendar content into search function of GL.
Account for security as mentioned above.

Recurring eventsevents that occur once a month, every other week on Tuesday and Thursday, or the last Thursday of each month. calendarInfusion supports a wide variety of recurrence rule possibilities!

Email notifications
event reminders allow users to be notified of their favorite events.

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Is this different than the Group Events hack?

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I dunno. I tried to get the groups hack to work but could not after a couple of hours of diddling. So I gave up. Do you have a working example?

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This has no relation to the group events hack. I did not work on that hack, nor have I even tried it. This will be a from scratch Calendar plugin to replace Geeklog's current calendar.


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Quote by vinny: This has no relation to the group events hack. I did not work on that hack, nor have I even tried it. This will be a from scratch Calendar plugin to replace Geeklog's current calendar.


Super that hack was buggy.

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Hey, I'm willing to PayPal 10 bones into the pot if you get something going on this. The group calendar thing with GL groups security (and corresponding GUI as I mention above) would be very sweet for my needs!


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Work is progressing:




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Hi Vinny,

Here are a few things I'd like to see included in a calendar upgrade:

1) Possibility to link an event directly to a Static Page (or any other page). Lets say I have "Soccer game" listed as an event for Oct. 20th. When I'd click on "Soccer game", it would not be directing me to the event page generated by the calendar, but instead to a Static Page of my choice.

2) Language: I'd appreciate to see the names of the MONTH and DAY linked to the language files, so it doesn't show English only

Thanks for considering
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Quote by jef:
1) Possibility to link an event directly to a Static Page (or any other page). Lets say I have "Soccer game" listed as an event for Oct. 20th. When I'd click on "Soccer game", it would not be directing me to the event page generated by the calendar, but instead to a Static Page of my choice.

2) Language: I'd appreciate to see the names of the MONTH and DAY linked to the language files, so it doesn't show English only

As for 1, I'm already planning on supporting "resources" in the form of URLs, any number for a given event. I'm taking the easy way out by using php's built in ability to get labels for MONTHs and DAY for many languages.


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Quote by vinny:I'm already planning on supporting "resources" in the form of URLs, any number for a given event.

Could you be more specific? I don't really understand how this would work...

Quote by vinny:I'm taking the easy way out by using php's built in ability to get labels for MONTHs and DAY for many languages

This is great. Tell me if you want a french translation for your plugin.


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Quote by jef:Could you be more specific? I don't really understand how this would work...

Basically events will let you link to as many URLs as you would like. The URLs could be to html pages, documents, picutres...pretty much anything.

This is great. Tell me if you want a french translation for your plugin.

Eventually I'm sure I will need help with translations, but not anytime soon.


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Okay then. I'm really interested in this new calendar. In fact, I really need something like this. Please tell me more about a time frame - when do you think it could be available?


- jef

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Jef, how about we commit some cash to the cause, ey?
I've already offered to PayPal 10.
I guess it would be nice to see some working concept and then pool our funds to encourage a beta release.

What do you say?

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Well, I'm also ready to commit cash. I wouldn't be asking for this without paying. I'm ready to put $50 for a beta version, and another $50 for a final work. It's a little over 10 bucks, but it's for a "commercial" cause one might say. Of course, be sure I'll need a receipt.

Waiting for more.

- jef
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jack Krugman

I was told that I should post here. I am switching over to GL. I have a very active calendars for antique fairs and auctions. 2 to 20 or even 30 auctions a day. that many events does not look very nice in a grid. I was wondering if you would consider an alternative lost format. you can see my calendar at http://www.iantiquesguide.com

Thanks in advance

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We will have a beta version for testing which uses External Pages plugin and Webcalendar

after much research we determined this to be the best calendar out there with the most flexibility

"categories" will be determined by GL groups, so that you can assign security for users to different groups and let them see different 'categories' of calendar entries.

ALL together (different colors) or one at a time via pop-up menu interface.

Is there still financial commitment from some of you?
I'm paying development time for this.


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yes, I'm ready to PayPal.

Gimme an addres pls.

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Hang on...I emailed Vinny about his own calendar work to see if we should pool efforts or at least touch base before we release our beta.

So Vinny, what's the word?

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pls have me posted for download
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