
Okey... there is no other way than to ask for help... Ive tried everything Rolling Eyes First of all, Ive installed the kys-gallery, but I need 5 pictures on a row, and then a new frame with 5 new pictures... example: [Frame] 1pic - 2pic - 3pic - 4pic - 5pic [endFrame] [newFrame] 6pic - 7pic - 8pic - 9pic -10pic [endFrame] etc. Now its like: [Frame] 1pic - 2pic - 3pic - 4pic - 5pic - 6pic - 7pic - 8pic - 9pic - 10pic [endFrame] [newFrame] 6pic - 7pic - 8pic - 9pic -10pic [endFrame] Now they're all on one row, and I need them to get like the first example, or not it wont work in an iframe. So heres the thumbnail.php code:
Text Formatted Code

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>B.I.X - Gallery</title>

<body bgcolor="#336699" text="#336699"><style>
BODY { scrollbar-face-color: "#FFFFFF"; scrollbar-arrow-color: "#000000"; scrollbar-track-color: "#336699"; scrollbar-3dlight-color:"#000000"; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: "#000000"; }
<table border="1" bordercolor="#336699" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="AutoNumber1">
  <tr bordercolor="#000000">
<? for ($i=1; file_exists("thumbnails/image".strval($i).".jpg"); $i++) {
echo "<td width="".strval($a[0]).""><a href=preview.php?i=$i target=_blank><img border=0 src=thumbnails/image$i.jpg></a></td>";
}  ?>
<table border="1" bordercolor="#336699" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="AutoNumber1">
  <tr bordercolor="#000000">
<? for ($i=6; file_exists("thumbnails/image".strval($i).".jpg"); $i++) {
echo "<td width="".strval($a[0]).""><a href=preview.php?i=$i target=_blank><img border=0 src=thumbnails/image$i.jpg></a></td>";
}  ?>

I need to make it stop at 5 pictures, so it doesnt show all pictures after each other..and when I then set the


(too long post :p ) **I need to make it stop at 5 pictures, so it doesnt show all pictures after each other..and when I then set the


*cough* ..... LOL ... I need to make it stop at 5 pictures, so it doesnt show all pictures after each other..and when I then set the
Text Formatted Code
<? for ($i=6; file_exists(\"thumbnails
etc. in the second frame the thumbnails will go for image6.jpg and on... Please help... I appreciate any help or suggestions. -Drako

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Posts: 820
What is kys-gallery?


Kys-gallery: http://www.kyscorp.neoartists.net/board/index.php ...as you can see, I aint gonna get any help around there... Hmm.... the gallery uploads pictures and thumbnails with an upload script, and then the thumbnail.php find the pictures in the folder, and puts them in there. http://secure.designbin.com/~kys/board/viewtopic.php?t=11

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Registered: 09/29/02
Posts: 820
Are you sure you are in the right place? First you are not using Geeklog. Second, you are talking about a strange gallery that I, being around for a while at Geeklog, has never heard of having integration. Obviously your question has nothing to do with this site. Read a little bit more around this web site and see if what we are doing has any relevancy to your question. Then ask your question again, and that question must have something to do with Geeklog. Sam