I must say thanks a lot for the help, and Geeklog rules, much faster than postnuke.
there's the script (I have modified it to correct some obvious bug to me) but it still not working.
Text Formatted Code
* Convert Nuke-type database to GeekLog
* quick hack
require_once '/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php'; // why am i doing this?!
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = 'test';
$gl_dbname = 'sitting-ducks'; // new GL
$nuke_dbname = 'OLD'; // old Nuke
$gl_usertable = 'gl_users';
$gl_topictable = 'gl_topics';
$gl_storytable = 'gl_stories';
$gl_commenttable = 'gl_comments';
$nuke_usertable = 'nuke_users'; // change this for maxt_man db
$nuke_topictable = 'nuke_topics';
$nuke_storytable = 'nuke_stories';
$nuke_commenttable = 'nuke_comments';
$dbh = connect_db($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);;
if ( PEAR::isError($dbh) ) {
trigger_error($dbh->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
print "DB connection [ OK ]n";
//* ****************************************************** //
// get existing GL user names
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select uid, username from $gl_usertable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$gl_users = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$gl_users[$row["username"]] = $row["uid"];
print "[ OK ]n";
// now get nuke users
mysql_select_db($nuke_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select * from $nuke_usertable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$nuke_users = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$nuke_users[] = $row;
$common_pass = md5("password");
//print "pass = $common_passn";
$regdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // don't preserve regdate
$uids = array();
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh); // back to GL database
foreach ( $nuke_users as $key => $hash ) {
if ( in_array($hash["uname"], array_keys($gl_users)) ) {
// printf("[%-15s] EXISTSn", $hash['uname']);
// update nuke_uid
$sql = "update $gl_usertable set nuke_uid = {$hash['uid']} where uid = {$gl_users[$hash['uname']]}";
} else {
//printf("[%-15s] EXIST NOTn", $hash['uname']);
// insert user
$sql = "insert into $gl_usertable (nuke_uid, username, fullname, passwd, email, regdate ) values ";
$sql .= sprintf("(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
$hash['uid'], $hash['uname'], $hash['name'], $common_pass, $hash['email'], $regdate);
$uids[] = $gl_users[$hash["uname"]];
//printf("uid [%d]n", $gl_users[$hash["uname"]]);
// print "$sqln";
//( mysql_query($sql, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$sql]", E_USER_WARNING);
// now cascade to all user* tables
// usercomment
// userindex
// userinfo
// userprefs
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh); //make sure you're back to GL database
foreach ( $uids as $id ) {
$sqls = array();
$sqls[] = "replace into usercomment (uid) values ($id)";
$sqls[] = "replace into userindex (uid) values ($id)";
$sqls[] = "replace into userinfo (uid) values ($id)";
$sqls[] = "replace into userprefs (uid) values ($id)";
foreach ($sqls as $statement) {
//( mysql_query($statement, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$statement]", E_USER_WARNING);
// get existing GL topic ids ( in GL they are varchars )
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select tid from $gl_topictable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$gl_topics = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$gl_topics[] = $row["tid"];
//print "GL existing topics:n";
//foreach ( $gl_topics as $key => $topic ) {
// printf("t%2d %sn", ($key + 1), $topic);
// now get nuke topics
mysql_select_db($nuke_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select * from $nuke_topictable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$nuke_topics = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$nuke_topics[] = $row;
print "nNUKE topics:n";
foreach ( $nuke_topics as $key => $hash ) {
printf("t%2d %sn", ++$key, strtolower($hash["topicname"]) );
// make comparison case-insensitive
my_array_map("strtolower_wrapper", $gl_topics);
print "nGL existing topics:n";
foreach ( $gl_topics as $key => $topic ) {
printf("t%2d %sn", ($key + 1), $topic);
// back to GL database
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$imagepath = '/images/topics/';
$i = 0;
foreach ( $nuke_topics as $key => $hash ) {
if ( ! $hash["topicname"] ) continue;
$topicname = space_to_underscore(strtolower($hash["topicname"]));
if ( in_array($topicname, $gl_topics) ) {
printf("%2d [%-20s] EXISTSn", ++$i, $topicname);
// update nuke_uid
$sql = "update $gl_topictable set nuke_tid = {$hash['topicid']} where LOWER(tid) = '$topicname'";
} else {
printf("%2d [%-20s] EXIST NOTn", ++$i, $topicname);
// insert user
$sql = "insert into $gl_topictable (tid, nuke_tid, topic, imageurl) values ";
$sql .= sprintf("('%s', %d, '%s', '%s')",
$topicname, $hash['topicid'], $hash['topictext'],
($hash['topicimage']) ? $imagepath . $hash['topicimage'] : '' );
//print "$sqln";
//( mysql_query($sql, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$sql]", E_USER_WARNING);
$aid_to_username = array(
'god' => 'admin',
'iano' => 'iano',
'simon' => 'slord'
// now get nuke stories
mysql_select_db($nuke_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select * from $nuke_storytable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$nuke_stories = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$nuke_stories[] = $row;
//print "nNUKE stories:n";
//foreach ( $nuke_stories as $key => $hash ) {
// printf("%3d %3d %-10s %-80sn", ++$key, $hash['sid'], $hash["aid"], $hash['title'] );
// back to GL database
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
// get GL users
$sql = "select username, uid from $gl_usertable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$gl_users = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$gl_users[$row['username']] = $row['uid'];
//print "nGL users:n";
//foreach ( $gl_users as $uname => $uid ) {
// printf("%-10s %3dn", $uname, $uid );
foreach ( $nuke_stories as $key => $hash ) {
// sleep(1) to make sure that a unique $gl_sid is generated
// quick hack ( not good if there are many records to convert )
$gl_sid = COM_makesid();
printf("sid => %-20s ", $gl_sid);
$gl_uid = aid_to_gl_uid($hash['aid'], $aid_to_username, $gl_users);
printf("uid => %3d ", $gl_uid);
//$gl_tid = get_gl_tid($hash['topic'], $dbh);
//printf("tid => %-20sn", $gl_tid);
$sql = "insert into $gl_storytable (sid, nuke_sid, uid, tid, date, title, introtext, bodytext) values ";
$sql .= sprintf("('%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
//print "$sqln";
//( mysql_query($sql, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$sql]", E_USER_WARNING);
// now get nuke comments
mysql_select_db($nuke_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select * from $nuke_commenttable";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$nuke_comments = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$nuke_comments[] = $row;
print("total comments: " . count($nuke_comments) . "n");
// back to GL database
$comment_count = array();
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
foreach ( $nuke_comments as $key => $hash ) {
$gl_sid = get_gl_sid($hash['sid']);
if ( ! $gl_sid ) continue;
$gl_uid = get_gl_uid($hash['name']);
//printf("sid => %-20s ", $gl_sid);
//printf("uid => %3d n", $gl_uid);
$sql = "insert into $gl_commenttable (nuke_cid, sid, date, title, comment, score, reason, uid) values ";
$sql .= sprintf("(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)",
//print "$sqln";
//( mysql_query($sql, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$sql]", E_USER_WARNING);
// update stories.comments field in GL database
foreach ( $comment_count as $sid => $count ) {
$sql = "update $gl_storytable set comments = $count where sid = '$sid'";
//print $sql . "n";
//( mysql_query($sql, $dbh) ) or trigger_error("query failed: [$sql]", E_USER_WARNING);
print "oops, done :o)n";
// **************************************** */
function get_gl_uid ($username)
global $dbh, $gl_dbname, $gl_usertable;
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select uid from $gl_usertable where LOWER(username) = '"
. strtolower($username) . "'";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$rv = @mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
$rv = trim($rv);
return (($rv) ? $rv : 1 ); // default 1 => Anonymous
function get_gl_sid ($nuke_sid)
global $dbh, $gl_dbname, $gl_storytable;
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$sql = "select sid from $gl_storytable where nuke_sid = '$nuke_sid'";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
return ( @mysql_result($res, 0, 0) );
function get_gl_tid ($nuke_tid, $dbh)
global $gl_dbname, $gl_topictable;
$sql = "select tid from $gl_topictable where nuke_tid = '$nuke_tid'";
mysql_select_db($gl_dbname, $dbh);
$res = mysql_query($sql, $dbh) or die("query failed [$sql]n");
$gl_tid = @mysql_result($res, 0,0);
return ($gl_tid) ? $gl_tid : 'General';
function aid_to_gl_uid ($aid, $aid_to_username, $gl_users)
$rv = 1; // default for maxtinternal.stories.uid
$username = $aid_to_username[strtolower($aid)];
printf("username => %-10s ", $username);
foreach ( $gl_users as $uname => $uid ) {
if ( strtolower($username) == strtolower($uname) ) {
$rv = $uid;
return $rv;
function space_to_underscore ($str)
$rv = NULL;
for ( $i = 0; $i
$char = $str[$i];
if (ord($char) == 32) { $char = '_'; } // space
$rv .= $char;
return $rv;
function my_array_map ($func, &$ary)
settype($ary, "array");
for ($i = 0; $i
$ary[$i] = $func($ary[$i]);
function strtolower_wrapper ($str)
return strtolower($str);
function connect_db ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)
$dbh = mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if ( !is_resource($dbh) ) {
return new PEAR_Error('DB connection failed');
return $dbh;
function COM_makesid ()
$sid = date("YmdHis");
$sid .= rand(0,999);
return $sid;
I would be really really HAPPY if someone could take a pick at it, I am not php guru, but i understand a little bit of it (just a little bit)
I need help........
for anyone who would like to get in touch with me and help me. thanks in advance, i appreciate your time and effort.