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Registered: 07/25/03
Posts: 141
I\'ve just enhanced the menu plugin I found on this site. I amended the code to expand a menu, it now goes to $PHP_SELF and appends the query string. So if you have a collapsed admin menu, you can expand it out without losing your current page. Should you want to. [php] /** * Actual code that generates menu * */ function phpblock_menu_plugin() { global $_CONF, $_USER, $menu, $CONFIG_MENU,$PHP_SELF,$_GET; /* MIKE: get the query string, this will allow us to go back to the right page */ $qstr = \'\'; while( list($key,$value) = each( $_GET ) ) { $qstr .= \"&$key=$value\"; } $result = DB_query(\"SELECT * FROM mnu_user WHERE owner_id=\'\" . $_USER[\'uid\'] . \"\' ORDER BY m_pos ASC\"); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows == 0) { $result = DB_query(\"SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE \" . MNU_getPerms() . \" AND (lang = \'{$_USER[\'language\']}\') ORDER BY m_pos ASC\"); // com_errorlog(\"SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE \" . MNU_getPerms() . \" AND (lang = \'{$_USER[\'language\']}\') ORDER BY m_pos ASC\",1); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); } // com_errorlog(\"nrows = $nrows language = \" . $_USER[\'language\'],1); if ($nrows == 0) { $result = DB_query(\"SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE \" . MNU_getPerms() . \" AND (lang = \'{$CONFIG_MENU[\'language\']}\') ORDER BY m_pos ASC\"); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); } $T = new Template( $_CONF[\'path_layout\'] ); $T->set_file( \'option\', \'useroption.thtml\' ); $T->set_var(\'layout_url\',$_CONF[\'layout_url\']); $TL = new Template($_CONF[\'path\'] . \'/plugins/menu/templates\'); $TL ->set_file(\'label\',\'menubar.thtml\'); $menua = explode(\'_\',$menu); for ($i=0;$iset_Var( \'option_url\', $_CONF[\'site_url\'].\"$PHP_SELF?menu=\".$A[\'m_label\'].$qstr ); $T->set_var( \'option_label\', $tmp . $labela[$sz - 1] . \' \' . $CONFIG_MENU[\'chevron\']); } else { $T->set_var( \'option_url\', $A[\'m_url\']); $T->set_var( \'option_label\', $tmp . $labela[$sz - 1]); } $T->set_var( \'option_count\',\'\'); $retval .= $T->parse( \'item\', \'option\' ); } } else { if (substr($A[\'m_label\'],strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1,1) == \'_\') { $tmp = substr($A[\'m_label\'],0,strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1); if (sizeof(explode(\'_\',$tmp)) > 1) { break; } $T->set_var( \'option_label\', $tmp . \' \' . $CONFIG_MENU[\'chevron\']); $T->set_Var( \'option_url\', $_CONF[\'site_url\'].\"$PHP_SELF?menu=\".$A[\'m_label\'].$qstr ); } else { if (sizeof(explode(\'_\',$A[\'m_label\'])) > 1) { break; } $T->set_var( \'option_label\', $A[\'m_label\']); $T->set_var( \'option_url\', $A[\'m_url\']); } $T->set_var( \'option_count\',\'\'); $retval .= $T->parse( \'item\', \'option\' ); } break; case \'2\'; $TL->set_var(\'m_label\',$A[\'m_label\']); $retval .= $TL->parse(\'item\',\'label\'); break; case \'3\'; if ($A[\'m_label\'] != \'\') { $TL->set_var(\'m_label\',$A[\'m_label\']); $retval .= $TL->parse(\'item\',\'label\'); } $retval .= MNU_showTopics(); break; case \'4\'; case \'5\'; if ($A[\'m_type\'] == \'4\') { $tmp = MNU_userMenu(); } else { $tmp = MNU_adminMenu(); } if ($tmp != \'\') { if ((substr($A[\'m_label\'],strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1,1) == \'_\') && ($menu != substr($A[\'m_label\'],0,strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1)) && ($_USER[\'uid\'] > 1)) { $T->set_Var(\'option_url\', $_CONF[\'site_url\'].\"$PHP_SELF?menu=\".substr($A[\'m_label\'],0,strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1).$qstr ); $T->set_var(\'option_label\',substr($A[\'m_label\'],0,strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1) . \' \' . $CONFIG_MENU[\'chevron\']); $T->set_var(\'option_count\',\'\'); $retval .= $T->parse(\'item\',\'option\'); } else { if ($A[\'m_label\'] != \'\') { if (substr($A[\'m_label\'],strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1,1) == \'_\') { $TL->set_var(\'m_label\',substr($A[\'m_label\'],0,strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1)); } else { $TL->set_var(\'m_label\',$A[\'m_label\']); } $retval .= $TL->parse(\'item\',\'label\'); } $retval .= $tmp; if (substr($A[\'m_label\'],strlen($A[\'m_label\'])-1,1) == \'_\') { $TL->set_var(\'m_label\',\'\'); $retval .= $TL->parse(\'item\',\'label\'); } } } break; } } return $retval; } [/php]

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Registered: 07/06/02
Posts: 324
i get this: Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in /home/okanagan/plugins/menu/ on line 360 line 359-361 of gl_dir/plugins/menu/
Text Formatted Code
for ($i=0;$iset_Var( 'option_url', $_CONF['site_url']."$PHP_SELF?menu=".$A['m_label'].$qstr );
$T->set_var( 'option_label', $tmp . $labela[$sz - 1] . ' ' . $CONFIG_MENU['chevron']);
} else {

-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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Forum User
Registered: 07/25/03
Posts: 141
I think forum posting broke the code. Will upload a .phps tomorrow.