Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 11:58 am EST

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Is Forum a Plugin?

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Registered: 06/28/03
Posts: 186
Hello again people, I downloaded Forum 2.0_1.3.7 I unzipped the file thinking that I will find a how to manual in the unzipped files. The only file is still Forum 2.0_1.3.7. First of, I am running Geeklog 1.3.8. Is this okay to use the downloaded forum? And secondly, where should I copy the unzipped file and how do I integrate into my existing installation... Hope I did not post in the wrong section... Thank you Ola

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Not sure what you\'re doing there ... The forum consist of many files, not just one. I see it\'s a .tar.gz file (just like the Geeklog tarballs), so is it possible that you only unzipped it and that what you now have is the .tar file? That needs to be untarred. Or you may have a corrupted file and whatever you\'re using to unpack it simply stopped halfway through ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/28/03
Posts: 186
Thanks Dirk, I just downloaded the Forum 2.2 1.3.8 and hopefully this will work, I use winrar to untar my files. I have one other question though, I managed to change the Logo on my site from Geeklog to a personal logo. I see that the Welcome message and the date and time that appear at the top of the geeklog site are not on mine. I can also see that there is a line that separates the Geeklog logo from the welcome message... Is there a standard size for the logo, meaning is what I created too big that it covers the Welcome message and the date and time? Thanks again

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by ola_one:I see that the Welcome message and the date and time that appear at the top of the geeklog site are not on mine.
I think you mentioned that you\'re using the Smooth Blue theme. That theme simply doesn\'t use the welcome message and the date and time. If you find a place in the header where you want them to appear, simply insert the variables {welcome_msg} and {datetime} in those places. bye, Dirk

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