Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 06:18 am EST

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1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near

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Registered: 05/11/03
Posts: 37
Hi there - I am upgrading to 1.3.8 from 1.3.7 and am getting this error after I choose the option to \'Upgrade Database\' (1.3.7): 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, ipaddress varchar(15) NOT NUL\' at line 1 I opened the error log and it displays ***dummy entry*** I tried to upgrade again and am getting this error: 1060: Duplicate column name \'is_default\' Can someone help please? Thanks!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Leita:1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, ipaddress varchar(15) NOT NUL\' at line 1
That\'s the update script trying to create the new gl_speedlimit table. Did you forget to update lib-database.php?
Quote by Leita:I opened the error log and it displays ***dummy entry***
Translation: No errors yet (errors during the install are not recorded in error.log).
Quote by Leita:I tried to upgrade again and am getting this error: 1060: Duplicate column name \'is_default\'
Yep, you now have a database that is half-way updated. The safest thing to do would be to use your database backup, make sure you\'ve replaced all new files and try again. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 05/11/03
Posts: 37
Ahh yes, for some reason, not all the new files uploaded. I kept getting errors when I was uploading. I am certain all files are uploaded now - with the current date, but I am still getting the 1060 error.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Leita:I am certain all files are uploaded now - with the current date, but I am still getting the 1060 error.
So did you restore your old database? As I said, your database is half-updated now, so it will choke on it when you try to run the update script. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 05/11/03
Posts: 37
Hi there ,) Yes, I restored my old database and reuploaded everything.

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