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4images and Geeklog Integration

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Registered: 09/04/02
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Hey guys,

After a few requests for a way to integrate 4images into Geeklog, Blaine and I got together and made it happen. Here is a little list of some of the features that we added:

- It allows 4images to be totally wrapped inside of Geeklog. The 4images templates can easily be edited to fit your site.
- It comes with an easy user migration script to move all user information to the 4images database.
- When a user is logged into Geeklog, they are also logged into 4images with their unique uid and same username. You do not need to log in and out through both. Geeklog handles all of the information.
- When a user registers, they are added to the gallery also. Also, when the user/admin edits their info, their gallery info is changed also.
- Plus all of the great features already part of 4images.

You can download the hack here.

Included is a readme file that explains how to do the integration step by step. It also lists two sites running the gallery, so you can see what it would/could look like.

Hope you guys like it Smile



Are statistics in geeklog updated with statistics for 4images like in the geekary? Does the geeklog search also search 4images? where are the sites where I can see this integration. Couldn't find them in the zip file. Wonderful. Still looking to see if I should use this or the next release of geekary, which is also based on 4images and very tightly integrated into geeklog.


The zip file that you have for us to download is a bit screwy. There are two sets of most of the files, one set inside the other.


Good job guys. I love 4images. Moshiach


I get this error after doing the installation: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class template in /services/webpages/l/i/linford.net/geeklog/system/classes/template.class.php on line 62 Any idea how to fix this?

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Registered: 09/04/02
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Sorry guys,

Don't know why, but somehow the zip got a little messed up. I probably wasn't paying attention when I did it.. lol. The right version is available at the same place, under the same name.

There was also a little problem with the readme. It was missing one line that needed to be replaced. You can go: here to view the fix for it. The updated zip also fixes that problem.

For those who would like to see 4images working on a GL site, you can go to:
http://www.cweb.ws/gallery/ or http://www.nextide.ca/gl137/

Once again, sorry about the confusion.


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Here are a few answers:

- 4images keeps its own statistics, and I believe GL will log all the hits to it, since it is integrated into GL now.
- 4images has its own search, seperate from GL. If this was a plugin, then it would be using GL's search.
- You can see the sites at: http://www.cweb.ws/gallery/ or http://www.nextide.ca/gl137/

Hope that answers them.



I was trying out 4images on your site cweb. When I tried to send an email card, I got the following error: Email Error: RCPT TO invalid mail server response: 550 , Recipient unknown Is this problem just local to you or something everyone will experience? Also, can you tell me why 4 images extends to the right but GL's template doesn't go with it? I'm just starting to check out the three packages to see which one I like. You guys did a nice job here.

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This is very cool. Thanks! With that being said, it might be a bit buggy? Seems that the user loses their logged on credentials after making all the changes during the install.. For example: User logs in, then visits the gallery and is no longer logged into either site. User logs in again, and is logged into both sites. User leaves the gallery, and tries to edit some sort of admin function (so far thats the only thing I've tested) and again, user loses his/her credentials, and is forced to log in again. Hope this is a minor thing, or maybe I just did something wrong. Smile

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About the email, that is just a local problem. No one else should expirence it. And about GL not being on the right hand side, you can easily change that to have GL put the column there. Just edit the page_footer.php, replace: echo COM_siteFooter(); with: echo COM_siteFooter(true); That should do it Smile Matthew

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rav, One suggestion. Make sure that you are accessing 4images through the same url as your Geeklog site. Say your GL site is: http://www.mygeek.com/ You need to access 4images through: http://www.mygeek.com/4images (or whatever you called the gallery dir) You cannot have http://mygeek.com/4images or http://gallery.mygeek.com That messes up Geeklog's cookies. Make sure that isnt happening and let me know how it goes. Matthew


BLaine and Matthew are at it again! I love 4images and your integration worked great without too much effort! A couple of things: (1) Any chance you guys will whip out a couple of support blocks? Some suggestions in order of priority would be 1) Random Image 2) New Images 3) Popular Images (They have a way users can rate images) Just some suggestions (: (2) Even after being integrated I am not 100% happy with the way 4images looks wrapped inside GL. I want it to be more transparent like your site Matthew where you don't even know 4images has loaded. Right now I have a massive 4images header, a random image block when I am in 4images. It looks like a stand-alone system wrapped inside another as opposed to just an image module. How did you make yours look so transparent Matthew? Thanks a lot guys!


This doesn't happen with my integration, but what does happen is if I logout of geeklog, then go back in to the 4images without relogging on to GL I am then logged in again? This is just wierd and more of an annoyance for testing then anything.

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To make things look more integrated, just edit the html files in 4image's template/default directory.


Any chance Matthew can post his html files? I really like his integration (:


Okay, thanks. I thought the e-card feature was kinda neat and was hoping the problem was just local.


If you log out of Geeklog, you should be logged out of 4images, if it is integrated. Once you log back in, you should be logged into 4images also. It is just like any other program for Geeklog. You can test it at my site: http://www.cweb.ws/gallery/ Matthew

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Sorry, that previous comment was from me.. I just wasn't logged in. Matthew

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Sure, I can post my html files.. but I won't be able to do it until this evening, once I get back from work. Matthew

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The template files are not that hard to edit - once you figure out which ones. Take a look at the demo site I setup here which is just a clean Geeklog 1.3.7 install, 4images integration with modified 4images templates.

I have removed the 4images and voting features as example - by removing the tags like {vote} and {comment} in the templates. Those are not the exact tags.

You edit the templates online from the 4images control and the main templates to start with are home and category. I also changed the tables sizes from a fixed pixel format to percentage.


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