Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 01:25 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Instant Messaging


I've been using Geeklog for a while now but I can't understand why there isn't an IM feature in there that allows users to IM eachother through the site. In fact, I've never even seen simple IM built into a website. Is there something out there like a refreshing webpage that allows site users to IM eachother?

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I think Phill is working on this. http://www.information.tj/
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
The chatterblock has a private messaging feature to other registered site users. It's actually quite good but was not documented. Messages can be sent to users even if they are not logged in. Once they do login the messsage(s) appear in the chatterblock with a checkbox for the user to cancel the message. Very nice and clean. You can also configure a number of other block settings.

I have it installed on my site and have written up a help file as well. Check it out here

I've added a few additional features which I will release shortly. This includes the following:

  1. Ability to configure annonymous access or not
  2. Ability to set tasks as well and send task(s) to other users. Nice for a company Intranet use.
  3. Ability for the admin to clear all annonymous (chatter) messages.
  4. Intergrated with my Plot-IP module to be able to plot who's sending the annoymous messages

I will have this updated version ready for release shortly




I noticed that your site was running in a frames mode. Have you ever thought about having a page refresh every few seconds under an invisible frame and then pop up a javascript alert when a private message is received? Do you have that Chatterblock available anywhere? I'd like to try it out Thanks! :\\\\ Jameson

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